Chapter 33

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The decision to out Henry Lin to those men was not well thought out, it actually wasn't thought out at all, but that didn't hit Julia right away. After the meeting at the docks and more stress at Diosa and the bakery she turned up at Jax's looking for the comfort only he could provide.

"Here," he handed Julia her drink. "He's doing whatever he can to get under your skin. You can't let him." He hid his anger well and hoped she'd beg for his help, for him to fix it, but he doubted she would. That was the problem.

"Easier said than done," she huffed, "You know that." Bringing the glass to her lips she drew her head back. "This smells off."

"What?" Jax grabbed the glass and gave it a sniff. "Fine to me," he shrugged. "You're the only one who drinks this shit anyway." When he offered it back she declined. Placing the drink on the table he pulled her feet up from the floor and into his lap. She turned her body, her head now resting on the arm of the sofa, and smiled as he tickled and scratched her ankles. "You need to relax, babe. When can we make that happen?"

"Never," she complained. "When do you relax?"

"Never," he laughed for a moment before becoming serous again. "This shit with Lin might go south, Jules, especially since you sent those assholes to him."

"Yeah," she shrugged. "Wasn't my smartest move. I just, I was so angry and it was the only thing I could do in that moment."

"I know," he moved his hands up her legs. "And I thought you were an OG," he joked.

"Yeah, right," she giggled as he moved to her thighs. "Jackson, are you trying to get in my pants?"

"I'm trying to get them off," he smirked. When she sat up he grabbed her hips and pulled her onto his lap. "Is it working?"

"You don't have to try," she said as she pulled her shirt over her head. "I need you."

The words were muffled as she kissed him, her nails scratching along his scalp and running through his slicked back hair.  He loved to hear that, an animalistic growl leaving his lips as they managed to get her pants off in record time.


The next morning, Julia moved about the kitchen in nothing but one of Jax's t-shirts as she brewed a pot of coffee. She wasn't domestic but she had watched Gemma closely and tried her best knowing it was a comfort to Jax and the job of an old lady.

"You hungry?" She asked as he stumbled out, sleepy eyed wearing his boxers and undershirt. "I am," Julia joked as she snapped the elastic around his waist.

"This early?" He laughed, his fingers kneading her waist. "I thought you had enough last night."

"I could never have enough," she winked. "But, really," she stepped back, "I can make you something."

"Just coffee," he sighed. "Anything happen last night?"

"Not that I heard," she fixed his coffee for him. "I'm going to jump in the shower."

"Alright," he ran his palms over his face.

As Julia moved toward the hall there was a loud, and rather startling, knock at the door. She stopped and turned, meeting Jax in the entryway.

"This isn't good," she sighed as he opened the door.

There was a box on the step. Completely typical in every way but still incredibly suspicious.

"I didn't know they delivered this early." He grabbed the box and Julia shut the door as he brought it to the kitchen.

"They don't," she sighed.

Jax nodded and slit the packing tape with a kitchen knife. Opening the flaps,  they both jumped back at the sight of a head staring straight at them.

"Jesus Christ," she slapped her hand over her mouth. "That's one of the guys from yesterday, Jax."

"Then where's the other guy?" He pushed the box back and turned to Julia, comforting her as he grew more angry. "We need to make some calls."

"I can't do this," she whispered into his chest. "I can't fight another war."

Jax beamed and although he was thrilled by her admission it made him even more angry that Lin had upset her so terribly.

"Call your guys and I'll call Ope, we'll settle this shit."


A few hours later Julia arrived at one of Lin's restaurants with Jax by her side and Mickelson standing behind her. They had a plan, a violent one, but Julia wanted to try for a more peaceful end, even if just because of her own fears.

The hostess didn't need to call back to the kitchen she knew the moment laid eyes on them. "Come with me."

"Just you," Lin said as they approached the large corner booth. "Teller and the other one can grab some lunch."

"No," Jax said forcefully. "You put a head on my front step, I'm involved now."

Henry smirked and shrugged. "Alright then, have a seat. I guess you didn't appreciate my gift?"

"No, we didn't," she snapped. "I'm not backing out and I won't let you sabotage my business. We hammer this out. Now."

"I didn't think it would go this far," he said casually. "After I talked to your old man and he admitted he wanted you outta the game I thought it was just a matter of time."

"What?" Julia turned to look at Jax.

"I never said that," Jax said defensively.

Henry smiled, "He did, Julia." Leaning forward he folded his hands on the table. "I can't blame him, you shouldn't either. It's an alpha male issue. I prefer my women at home instead of torturing and killing people too. All that blood, it's not attractive."

Julia turned back to Henry. "I'm not out and I advise you quit while you're ahead, pun intended."

"I tried, Teller," Lin chuckled as Julia charged out of the restaurant.

"You're a piece of shit." Jax leaned over the table in Henry's face. "Keep away from Julia and drop this war. Last. Warning."

Jax swiftly turned and followed Julia out while Mickelson took his time dreading the fight that he knew would erupt momentarily. When he stepped outside again, the heat hitting him hard, he heard Julia.

"You said that? To Lin of all people?" She kept her volume down but her rage and sorrow were easily heard.

"Babe, not here," Jax said quietly. "He twisted my words."

Julia shook her head. "We were trying to get passed this shit and you had to do this, you had to say that shit to him. I am so angry and embarrassed, Jax."

"I'm sorry," he sighed.

"I am too," she scoffed. "Leave me alone, I'll handle this myself. Wouldn't want you to see my getting bloody and accidentally upset your sensitive side."

"Come on," he started to follow her.

"Don't Jax, I'm done. Leave me alone."

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