Chapter 17: The Switch

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Weeks went by before anything happened that was even remotely out of the ordinary.

There was one main thing that that happened. It was shocking more than anything.

Claire and Luke pulled me and Peter aside from everyone else. They told us that it was secret and urgent news that we needed to know. I assumed that it had something to do with separating my body from the Dark Flame.

When we walked aside in a closed off room, the two looked at each other nervously.

"What's going on?" Peter asked curiously when they didn't say anything for a while.

I had to admit that I was extremely nervous. I was shaking, and I knew that he could tell.

"This was certainly surprising, and I'm sorry that it's happening during such a difficult time, but something very complicated has happened." Claire began to say obviously trying to word her news in a way that would be less dramatic, but her attempts were having the opposite impact.

"What's wrong?" I asked them nervously.

"Nothing is wrong. It's just... Claire's pregnant." Luke told me worried about how I would react.

I grinned widely at the news.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you both!" I told them excitedly.

Peter was smiling excitedly as well, and he told them both congratulations.

"I'm so excited. I'm going to have a little niece or nephew!" I exclaimed.

"We just wanted to let you both know first before we told anyone else." Claire told me instinctively moving her hands on her stomach.

When she moved, I saw the marks on her skin from where the Dark Flame had tried to choke her.

"Oh gosh, did I... did I hurt the baby?" I asked her worriedly trying to remember everything that I did to her.

"There isn't really much of a way for us to tell considering the fact that we haven't gone to a doctor's office of any kind, but I highly doubt you did anything. I'm alright, and if something did happen, it's not your fault. It would be because of the Dark Flame." Claire told me with a small smile of sympathy.

"I can't take anymore risks like that. You can't be here when she comes again. It's too dangerous for your child." I told them both.

"We did discuss that, and that's the second thing that we came to talk to you about actually." Luke told me looking down at his hands.

"You want to leave with her." I stated. I could tell that he wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement, but he nodded anyways.

"I can't tell you that I won't miss you, and that we will be fine without you. However, I completely understand why you're both leaving. I would make the same decision." I told them both embracing my brother in a tight hug. I couldn't help the tears from sliding down my cheeks as my brother looked at me with concern.

"I don't want to be the one to say this because I really don't want it to be true, but this could be the last time we ever see each other." Luke admitted.

"I don't want to believe that. I want to believe that we are both going to be just fine, and that i'm going to be right there with you as my little niece or nephew grows up." I told him nodding my head at the beautiful thought.

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