Chapter 20: The Finale

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I felt a cold drops against my face. I slowly sat up and saw a doctor's office come into my view.

"I told you that it would work doctor. I use that trick at my own practice all the time." I heard Dave tell a doctor I didn't recognize.

"Hello Samantha, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked me.

"I'm feeling slightly light-headed and completely confused." I admitted to him.

I looked over and saw Dave in my room, but I didn't see Peter.

"I'm going to go get Peter. He went out to get some jello." Dave told me before exiting the room quickly.

"It seems that you passed out from extreme fatigue and dehydration for a couple of hours. Three to be exact. Peter tells me that this isn't the first time this has happened to you. He told me that you've been out for multiple days before. This seriously concerns me Samantha." He told me looking at me with a questioning glance.

Suddenly, the door opened and Peter and Dave came inside. Peter had a huge smile on his face as he placed the Jello packets on the table and sat down in the chair next to me.

"Sam, you're awake. How are you feeling." He asked.

"I'm feeling fine. I'm not exactly sure what happened." I told him honestly.

"Well, we learned that our government program was over, and everyone was celebrating when you fainted. Dave and I took you here as soon as we could." Peter explained to me enclosing my hands inside of his.

A memory of Justin leaving and the pain I felt from losing my powers flashed in my mind.

"That's right. I remember now." I told him honestly.

The doctor cleared his throat awkwardly.

I looked back over at him.

"Should I come back in a while?" He asked me.

"No, it's alright. What else Doctor?" I asked him.

"I'm just concerned about how frequently you faint. It's not normal for someone as healthy as you seem to be. How are you feeling emotionally? Do you have high levels of stress?" He asked me concerned.

"I've been a little stressed from this government program we've been a part of. I have to admit that it was a little emotionally and physically draining." I explained to him.

"Well, considering the fact that it is now over, and you didn't have any problems with fainting before the program, I'm hoping that the stress is the cause. I know that you're moving back to Georgia this week, so I'm going to send these files back to your old doctor. You'll have to meet up with him to discuss any further medication or procedures if this continues." He explained to me.

"Thank you for all of your help Doctor Calvin. We really do appreciate all you have done for us for the past few years." Peter kindly told him.

"You two are a fantastic couple, and I'm really thrilled about the wedding. Clara and I are excited to be attending." He told us with a smile.

"Well, thank you again doctor." I told him as he left the room.

"Justin really went into detail in changing our lives. Why didn't he just make you our own personal doctor?" I asked Dave confused.

"Well, I wouldn't have had the right equipment, and you wouldn't have been able to just manifest it." Dave explained.

"That's true. I guess he considered the most logical plans." I told them.

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