One; Broken

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The Irish lasskicker Becky Lynch stormed backstage, rage burning inside her as orange as her hair. She turned the corner, seeing the door of the most powerful people in this company, the people that could give her another opportunity at the prestigious diva's championship. Becky relived the disturbing memory of the nature boy Ric Flair planting a dry, disgusting kiss on her lips, right before she got screwed over by Charlotte and her hall of fame father.

She wiped away her already fallen tears, before hesitantly opening the door of The Authority. Nasty glares from Stephanie McMahon and Hunter were shot directly at Becky, a look of disgust crossed their features as Becky entered the room. "Do you need something Ms. Lynch?" Stephanie asked, a groan of annoyance escaping her lips.

A struck of fear flowed through Becky, rethinking of what she was going to say. "Did you see what happened out there? Charlotte cheated," Becky exclaimed, Hunter and Stephanie immediately laughing at her.

Stephanie sighed happily before placing her cold hands on the Irish lasskicker's shoulders making Becky tense up. "What's your point Becky?" Stephanie asked, rolling her eyes.

"I want a rematch," Becky explained confidently, a smile inching on her plum lips.

A maniacal laugh escaped both Stephanie's and Hunter's lips out of amusement. "Do you really think you deserve holding the diva's championship? Becky, you are never going to hold that championship, you want to know why? Because you're just not that good enough," Stephanie explained, tears instantly swelling in Becky's eyes, exiting the office willingly.

All those words struck at Becky like a knife. She breathed in and out through her nose, trying to find a opiate to calm herself down. The more Becky wiped away her fallen tears, more came as the inner voices in her head flowed through her mind.

'You'll never be champion,'

'You're not relevant all you are is invisible,'

"Please stop," Becky pleaded as she rubbed her temples aggressively trying to fight the voices away. 

Becky put her head in her hands, her heart shattered and her dreams and pride disappearing. She used to always used to ask herself, should she give up? But she'd always return from the troubled stages of her mind, back to her optimistic life, but even that was an act. Becky would always lie, saying that nothing that all the haters would say, nothing all the doubters would say would bring her down but she's actually walking the earth broken.

Becky's head snapped up and her ears perked up, hearing a distinct crash. When Becky looked up, her eyes immediately locked with dark brown ones piercing through her's. She scanned every speck of detail, of this man making her shiver in fear. All Becky saw was his long black hair and his tribal tattoo, avoiding his gaze, she looked down at the ground seeing a TV monitor. Not wanting to make the man more inraged, she stood up taking a few steps back, her eyes not leaving the ground. Once Becky felt like she was at a comfortable distance, she looked up, seeing the man was gone like it was just an illusion. 

What do you think? I hope I didn't disappoint :)

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