Nine; My Yard, My Shot

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Becky's eyes softened, resting her hands on Roman's tense shoulders as she looked at Roman's expression with concern and rage in his eye's. She was just as awed as Roman was about the entire situation, not expecting the man who he called his brother in arms, Dean Ambrose strut down the ramp and went to hug the WWE diva's champion Charlotte. A wide smirk inched upon Charlotte's plum lips while a laugh escaped from Dean's. 

Roman shook his head back and forth, living in a denial that Dean was the one that was walking down the ramp and shaking The Authority's hands. "Hey, who needs him anyway? We got this remember?" Becky asked softly earning a scowl full of anger. Roman shut his eye's tightly, clinging on to the bit of hope he had left in him, wishing that when he opened his eyes, it would all be a crazy illusion of his brother but when he opened them, Dean stood closer to him, grinning wildly with amusement in his eyes.

"What's wrong my brother?" Dean asked through a microphone, a smile inched upon his lips as he did. Roman tried to fake a weak smile but as Dean scrutinized him for any sign of weakness, he let the tears of betrayal and hurt run down his cheeks. Dean ran his fingers through his strands of dirty blonde hair rapidly as his expression went from goofy to deadly in the matter of seconds. "You had to do it didn't you?" Dean asked with a scowl crossing his features and his words dripping with venom. "You had to leave me in the dust like I was worthless," Dean seethed, making Roman raise his eyebrows with confusement as more tears fell.

"You left a emotional, mental scar inside me but luckily for you I'm not afraid to get more psychological scars on top of more psychological scars because I've never been afraid to fall," Dean explained in his raspy voice, causing Roman to interrupt his sob story.

"What are you talking about Dean, I've always and always will be there for you," Roman stated, his voice cracking in the process as his heart went from stone cold to fragile once again. A dark chuckle escaped Dean's lips as he tapped on the microphone aggressively. "You took the championship away, my dreams away, my lively hood. The only thing that actually gave me happiness. The company gave you shots but what did they do to me? Make me a sidekick," Dean seethed, as Charlotte stepped in front of the lunatic fringe.

"Do you expect us to be okay with that? No, we've had enough of you engaging our spotlight........ Before Charlotte could finish her speech, Becky was attacked from behind by the NXT rookie, Dana Brooke. Roman looked over at Becky, giving Dean the opportunity to turn the powerhouse around while he was at his weakest point, instantly hitting Roman with dirty deeds. Dean laughed as he watched Becky and Roman groan in excruciating pain as he grabbed the microphone and Roman's hair tightly. "This is my yard now Roman, I call the shots." Dean explained. "We're taking over," Dean stated, letting go of Roman's hair as he took in the hatred with a curved smirk.

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