Two; Tears

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Becky scratched the back of her neck urgently as she watched the diva's champion strut down the ramp with that smug smirk plastered on her lips. She slid in-between the ropes with ease, holding up the middle rope for her elderly father. The Irish lasskicker shook her head, staring at the TV monitor backstage with disgust and pure hatred. Charlotte laughed at the crowd's reactions of her presence, a big smile danced upon her lips as she lifted the microphone up to her plum lips.

"You guys can boo me all you want, it doesn't mean I'm going anywhere!" Charlotte stated, adjusted the title that hanged loosely on her shoulder.

Becky cocked her head to the side, an amused smile crossed her elegant features as she watched Charlotte wait patiently for the swarm of boos to die down. The champion looked puzzled yet she knew what she had to do. "Look, I know you guys aren't over the fact that I betrayed my best friend Becky, but you know what, here's a reality check for all of you," Charlotte exclaimed, pointing to the fans. "Friends get you nowhere in this business," Charlotte claimed, licking her lips, while hearing the crowd immediately disagree.

Becky rolled her eyes an ignited fire started to burn inside of her but she pushed it aside, watching her ex-best friend continue to run her mouth. "Becky was holding me back and all of you know it. You see something in Becky and that's all of you idiotic people. She clenches on tight, hoping and wishing to hold this diva's title," Charlotte explained, holding her title high in the air arrogantly. "But then her whole world crashes down when she realizes that she's just not good enough," Charlotte stated, a snot escaping her lips, dropping the microphone on the mat.

'We want Becky' chants filled through out the arena, making Becky want to speak up for herself and fight back but something keeps holding her back, something just takes over Becky wanting her to drown into nothingness. Becky bit her lip aggressively, not wanting to let the salty tears fall helplessly down her cheeks but just like always she failed, letting it all fall, her weakness Shining through as bright and bold as a diamond.

'Just another failure in my arsenal, just like another dream buried in my mind,' Becky mumbled, sliding down the cold, hard, stone with a thud.

-Later That Night-

After about an hour of grief and depression, the Irish lasskicker rised to her feet, walking precariously over to the black, leather couch of her lockeroom to watch the rest of Raw. Her eyes rested on the TV monitor, mixed feelings running through her veins, seeing the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walking down the aisle hand and hand. Becky's ears perked up like a dog wanting to go outside hearing a distinct theme song flood through her ears.

A rush of excitement pumped inside of her seeing somebody shut The Authority up for good but when her eyes locked with the screen once more, all the color drained seeing the man from last night again. The guy with pitch black hair sprinted down the ramp, with one target on his mind, Triple H. Hunter took off his coat right before the man tackled him to the ground making nervousness swarm in Becky's stomach. Her eyes softened at the heart of the man that she saw just the night before. 'Roman Reigns is going after Triple H!' One of the announcers exclaimed.

"So Roman's his name," Becky thought. She got snapped out of her thoughts immediately hearing a groan escape from Roman's thin lips. A shock of fear waved through the Irish lasskicker, Becky immediately jumping out of her seat. "I can't let this guy suffer the same fate as me," Becky muttered before sprinting out of her lockeroom.

Cliffhanger! What do you think? Hope you guys like it! 

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