Eleven; Elegance

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Roman squeezed his eyes shut tightly, holding the bridge of his nose aggressively as he tried to absorb the new kindled emotions that his best friend, his ray of sunshine just expressed towards him. Becky pushed a strand of her firey orange hair that flowed perfectly down her toned skin behind her ears, finally realizing what she said to Roman. Becky kept her gaze on the very ugly blue carpet that snugged underneath her feet as Roman surprised her as he graced his fingertips with her cheek making her tense up yet a new found nervousness twisted in the pit of her stomach at the usual feeling stung her heart. The Samoan man lifted the Irish natives chin up with his pointer finger, forcing her to stare in his deep brown orbs as a look of desire and lust fired in his eyes. 

He licked his lips with anticipation, taking hold of Rebecca's small hands, never taking his gaze off her's. "You keep me grounded, you're the only thing positive that has entered my life in the past few months and I couldn't thank you enough," Roman whispered softly in Becky's ears, their breathing slowing down drastically as he brushed his thin lips against her's. Roman continued to look at his source of happiness like she was the most exorbitant thing in the entire world. He always strived to be the very best and trying to take down The Authority on his own but after all the cruel battles and feeling completely impotent, he needed a security, a sunshine and that was Becky. 

Roman was cowering away from the girl he really enjoyed being around just for the sake of keeping his reputation intact and of all the what ifs that crossed his mind everyday if Becky didn't feel the same. He pushed those feelings behind not wanting to feel the wave of regret flash through him once more. Roman leaned in, planting a kiss full of love and passion onto Rebecca's plum lips. When he broke the kiss, Becky was left stunned yet her lips tingled with pleasure after Roman left the kissed he longed for. "Be mine?" Roman asked with hopefulness in his eye's. A goofy grin inched upon her plum lips making a faint blush cross her features. "I'll be your girl," The Irish lasskicker whispered making Roman embrace her with a tight hug. 

Rebecca smiled widely, never feeling this way about anybody in her life. To know that she has somebody to help her cope with everything Charlotte, Dean and The Authority has done to her and having someone who has the same heart to keep fighting back against the injustice and society that thhe Authority has created makes everything worth it all. "We will escape the impunity that The Authority has brought forth to us," Becky explained in her thick Irish accent with confidence excelling in her tone. "Believe that, my little Irish flower," Roman whispered as a soft chuckle escaped from his lips.

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