Thirteen; Raw Is War

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     The Authority stood in the ring with pure bewilderment radiating off each other's bodies, not believing that they're trapped in the grasp of their enemies. The crowd couldn't ignore the shivers that crept down their spines as they watched the Authority secretly squirm with fear on the inside. The corner of the CEO' s lips tugged up with a smug smirk, grabbing the microphone out of his new face of the company's hands as he lurked around the ring in an intimidating matter like a vulture stalking it's prey. "We're not doing this. We're not starting a war," Hunter explained to the crowd, making the audience boo loudly with disappointment and anger. "Back down now," Hunter warned the leader of the group named Roman Reigns, staring down daggers into the guy's icy blue contacts.

Hunter adjusted the championship that once graced the shoulders of Roman Reigns around his waist in a smugly way, arrogance oozing dramatically off of him thinking that they were going to back down easily and walk away without any issues. Roman raised his eyebrow at the current champions statement, shaking his head with disgust by the kind of champion that he has become. "And why's that H?" Roman questioned slyly, scrutinizing the bosses features for any signs of fear tucked away in Hunter's heart. The world heavyweight champion froze, letting his mind wander around the arena trying to figure out what to say next to one up the man he knows he's better than. Hunter snapped his head back up realising how morbid his thoughts were slowly becoming as the next future of the company took the microphone out of his hands.

"You really think that we need an explanation Roman?" Dean asked smugly, his baby blue orbs darkening with each word. A chuckle escaped the lunatic fringes lips with ease, strolling towards his former "brother". "You're a good wrestler Roman, but you'll be second best always," Dean spat harshly right before Ronan hit a drastic right hand on the side of the Cincinnati natives cheek. Becky, Shane and Roman entered the ring, each of them going after an authority member as a statement that they're done being pushed around. Stephanie slid out of the ring, demanding that each of them stopped what they're doing immediately. "Let them go and we will give you the matches that you wanted," Stephanie bargained, Becky and Roman letting them go as she explained the proposition of a lifetime. 

"Roman and Becky, you've got your rematch," Stephanie spat making Roman, Becky and Shane smirk widely as they celebrated, until a stipulation was added making their skin crawl with nervousness.

Sorry if it's short and crappy.

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