Fourteen; Stipulations

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     No matter how big of an empire they've built, no matter how great of a legacy they've carved out for themselves can come crashing down fast. And all it takes is one person with the balls to take a shot. But with one mistake can create an non removable bloody wound into their career; whether it's mythical or not. A flutter of nervousness sunk into the spirit's of Roman and Becky, realizing that there's gonna be no second chances at Wrestlemania in a few days after these words uttered out of the person they dreaded the most. "If both of you lose your collective matches this Sunday, whether it's by countout, disqualification, pinball or submission then you two will kiss goodbye your job in this industry," Stephanie spat into the microphone, the fans booing towards Stephanie and The Authority. 

  Roman and Becky stared at each other with a somewhat worried look; wondering in their morbid minds of what if they lost everything just because they stood out from other's, just because they chose to fight back against the injustice that lingers in the company daily. The fear of their careers being ravaged in the grasp of their enemies made their knees feel weak and their stomachs churn. "Good luck," Stephanie exclaimed, a devilish smirk dancing upon her lips as her theme song blasted throughout the arena in victory. 


Becky ran her fingers through her firery orange hair rapidly, trying to hide the nerves that crept in her heart at an alarming rate as Roman whispered sweet nothings into in her ear softly, kissing the side of her head occasionally as comfort. "I worked my whole life to get here, it can't slip through my fingers now," Becky explained to her boyfriend, letting the anxiety that bubbled inside her escape. 

"I know how much wrestling means to you baby, we'll win this," Roman reassured, hoping that all the doubt will wash away. The Irish lasskicker turned around so that she's facing him, locking her eyes with his with a serious glare. "But what if.....?" Becky began but couldn't go on. Just thinking about her career fading away that quickly was unbearable to her fragile heart.

"Then I'll be your shoulder to cry on," Roman said with a cheeky smile, pulling Becky closer into his arms until she fell peacefully asleep in his arms.

I know it's short but guess what, only a few more chapters till this book ends! Don't worry, they'll be a sequel.

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