Seventeen; Regret and Pride.

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                                                                And Failure.

    These three things drenched from the esteemed Irish lasskickers aura as she watched the new women's champion Charlotte strut away with amusement filling her features. "That's why I'm the best," Charlotte bragged, holding the championship up in the air gracefully, waving goodbye Beckys mythical career. Becky held the bridge of her nose anxiously, wiping away the mascara stained tears off her cheeks as she was pulled into a sympathetic embrace by the boss herself, Sasha Banks.

 Becky had no championship.

                                No wrestlemania moment.

                                                             And officially out of a job. 

Becky breathed through her nose, squeezing her eyes shut tightly not wanted more tears to fall. Sasha let go off the death gripping hug, raising her friends hand as a sign of respect while secretly wishing Becky luck to whatever career she decides to get in the near future. 'Thank you Becky' the crowd chanted enthusiastically as Becky admired the adequate number of supporters that stood by her through every loss, every win, every assault, every tear, everything. 


                                      And pride.

Despite the long fought battles she felt impotent during and deep feeling of contrition that she drowned herself in, she felt a sense of pride of at least trying to make a difference in the company. She longed to see something like the attitude era pop up again in the future with all the blood, bruises and tears but for now it must stay the same. 

                        She has Sasha.

                         She has Shane o Mac.

                         She has the fans.

                        And she has Roman.

The wave of pride washes over everytime she thought of the people that kept her afloat and who she truly is on the inside. Becky may have sacrificed everything that she ever worked for but she finally is free of the impunity that she received on a daily basis, however Becky has a chance of redemption tonight; to prove that Roman, Shane and herself weren't jokes.

                     They got one strike.

                                        But they still got two chances.

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