Twelve; Won't Back Down

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Roman and Becky entered arena, greeted by the usual backstage commotion that occurred around all the hard working employees; some preparing the cameras, the sound and ring for Raw while other's prepared physically and mentally for their matches later tonight. Both of them dragged their suitcases behind themselves, wandering the crazy crowded hallways backstage confidently as they thought of ways to deceive the people they dreaded the most into giving them what they deserve and that was title rematches. They've had enough of The Authority swindle their way out of giving them their well deserved title matches, and most importantly have had enough of them easily wave their ideas aside; making them constantly question themselves if they belonged here or not.

Almost everyone in the back despised The Authority and the way they run the entire industry in an unfair matter but no one had the courage or tenacity to express their feelings towards the unholy mistreatment that surfaced the WWE until now. A swarm of nervousness bubbled rapidly all over them, knowing that they had to be strong, they headed towards Shane's lockeroom to prepare themselves to conduct the plan that bounced in their minds.

                                                                                       X X X

The Authority stood in the ring, acting all mighty and powerful as they grasped all the attention that exploded in the audience with pride, despite all the pure hatred that runned precariously throughout the arena. A curved smirk danced upon the lunatic fringe's lips while he ran his fingers sloppily through his curly dirty blonde hair as he lifted the microphone up to his lips gracefully. "Last week, I sacrificed my friendship with Roman by siding with The Authority" Dean explained, immediately earning boos from the crowd. A dark chuckle escaped Dean's lips, embracing the distinctive boos that he was currently receiving with a blissful grin. "Roman Reigns was never a brother to me; I was just buying my time until I found the perfect moment to leave him face first into this matter without a clue what happened," Dean spat, venom dripping with each word.

"Deano!" A voice exclaimed on the titiantron, forcing Dean to turn around; not pleased by his former friends presence on the titiantron. "I couldn't help but hear your sob story about me and every word you exhale out of your lips making me cringe at how much bullcrap that is escaping from it," Roman explained to his former brother in arms. Dean growled with annoyance and anger towards Roman as he continued to talk. "You used to fight back against injustice and never took a handout, but now you're nothing more than The Authority's bitch!" Roman said with a smirk full of pleasure as Dean paced back in forth in the ring, hostility towards each other increasing drastically after Roman's statement.

"You better be careful with what you say Rome, because I'm not afraid to hit dirty deeds on you once again, as a matter of fact, why don't you come down to this ring right now so I can hear ya a bit better," Dean snapped, viciously dropping the microphone and swiftly taking off the leather jacket that once hung off his toned shoulders. "As you wish," Roman expressed before the light's in the arena switched off and when they came back on, The Authority was in a predicament that they've never faced before..... trapped with no exit.

Sorry if this sucks!!!!

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