Bloody Reunions

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Martin wasn't just going to let Roy walk to the shed that Alex and Chewy were at all alone with Wallis O'Donald out there. He grabbed his rifle and decided to follow him. "Roy! Roy!" Martin continually called out to Roy who ignoring Martin. "Roy, stop! Let us help you" He then said. Roy continued to walk further and further into the forest. Martin had had enough of Roy ignoring him. "Goddamn it Roy! This is something us as a group need to do! We need to be in this together! Come back to the camp, we'll plan this all out. Don't be rash man" He said attempting to get the message across to Roy. "This is something that I need to do on my own Martin. No one can help me with this! I've known Alex and Chewy my whole life and look what they done to me! I have to be the and the only one who puts an end to their wretched lives! Do not follow me Martin!" Roy said in a firm voice to Martin. Roy then began to continue to walk to the shed. 

Martin didn't follow Roy. He went back to the camp and called everyone in. Once everyone was there Logan asked Martin "Where the hell is he going?" Martin didn't answer Logan's question directly to him. He explained the situation to everyone. "Alex and Chewy abandoned Roy on the run. He was grieving for his parents. The day before they left, that's why Roy acted like he did after he killed that bandit. But he had put it to the side before that. He built that fence for Katie and Molly. Got me and and Douglas back to safety. He even saved them and John and Beth back at their farm. And look at what they did for him. Roy's gonna kill em. That's where he's going. He doesn't us to go but I'm gonna. I'm gonna let that pair of pricks know that Roy is a good man. Anyone who wants to come with me, speak now. Reg was the first to step forward. "You're right Martin" Reg said. "I agree and I want to follow you. But I can't. I can't leave my daughters again man." Martin accepted what Reg had said but then a member unexpectedly said that he would go with Martin. It was Kyle. Douglas then  said "I met you when all this first started man, and I'm going be right be your side" Harry and Logan were not going to run away and say that it was none of their business because it was. They were on the run. They were lied to about Roy the night Alex and Chewy left him. They were going see the end of Alex and Chewy. Martin then looked to Bill and said "Bill, I understand if you want to stay with Theodore and Cassandra and wait for Mark" That is what they would do. Martin then looked at Melissa in guilt. "Why?" She said softly. Martin turned away from her and looked at Zach. "Shit man I'm in" he said. This just left Jason. "Jason man, I think you should stay. If Mark's hurt, for Theodore and in case it goes wrong out there. We might need you." Martin said. Jason nodded and said "I'll stay". Martin then walked over to Melissa who again asked him why he was doing this only this time she had to fight back tears of the fear of being separated from Martin again. Martin held her in his arms and kissed her lips. "I'll be back Mel" he said. She still didn't want him to go. "Don't" she said with tears running down her face. Martin kissed her again and told her he loved her. Him and the 5 others walked in Roy's direction. 

Roy could now see the shed that Martin had spoke about. It wasn't going to be a shed for much longer. It would be a lot more than just a shed. It would be were justice was done when the world fell out out from beneath everyone's feet. Where some good was done in a world where that word no longer held meaning. Roy crept forward to see if he could see a way into the shed. But he thought maybe he should wait them out. wait for his two long lost "best friends" to leave and pick them off one by one. But he thought it best not to. He looked through his rifles scope to get a closer look. He saw a door that was shut and something that indicated that this was the entry that Alex and Chewy used. John Lewis' car. At this point Roy heard a twig snap behind him. He immediately armed his rifle and aimed it behind him. But there was no need to shoot. It was Martin, Douglas, Kyle, Harry, Logan and Zach. They all stood in Roy's presence waiting for angerful words to fall from his mouth but they got different. "I get that y'all wanna be there for it. I accept. But none of ya fire a shot unless you absolutely need to. Not just to keep the eaters away but because they are mine to kill. I've known my whole life and they abandoned me in my hour of need. Understood?" Roy put to them. They nodded and then walked forward. "They've gone in that door there. They'll come out it to. Their cars there. Lets go." Roy said. As the group began to walk towards the shed Martin grabbed Roy's arm and said to him "We're with you Roy" Roy nodded in respect and led the group to the shed. 

They were now spread out and crouching. Creeping their way to the door. They all got into cover. Roy and Martin were behind the car. Kyle and Zach were behind a dumpster and Harry, Logan and Douglas were behind the fence around the shed. Roy snuck into the shed followed by Martin then Zach, Kyle, Logan, Zach and Harry. The inside of the shed was in complete darkness. The only light they had was the light of the sun that was coming through the door way. They could see a door on the other side of the shed which they could hear movement coming from. Roy whispered to Harry "Fire a shot outside". Once the shot had been fired the group made their way to the door but Roy was closest. The others stayed back. Roy then stood in front of the doorway with his rifle raised ready to shoot. He waited what seemed like a lifetime for someone to step into his line of fire but it was only five minutes. A very familiar face stood before; George "Chewy" Joseph. "Oh shit" Chewy said in fear and then Roy fired a shot from his rifle which Chewy in the chest. He flew back into the room he was in. Roy had killed George "Chewy" Joseph.  

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