Divide and Conquer

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Wallis drove at full speed in direction of the shed. There was no need to go this fast as the group did not have a vehicle. "Wallis, maybe you wanna slow it down man" Robert said thinking of the three of them. This did not faze him. "Wallis!" Robert said louder which made Wallis slam on the brakes. "What?!" he said firmly back to Robert. Robert did not answer. He was confused as to why Wallis was acting like this, after all their plan had worked. Alex then spoke up and said "They won't catch us. They got no car". Wallis kept his eyes on the road then began to drive towards the shed this time more sensibly. As the car began to move a bullet was fired and took off the passenger side rear vision mirror. Wallis immediately turned to Alex and and grunted "They won't catch us huh? How bout you get out and make sure o'that?" Wallis opened Alex's door and shoved him out onto the dirt track and the drove away in a rage. Alex pulled his pistol out and aimed it in the direction of where the came. "BASTARDS!!" Martin yelled out. Alex fired three shots in the direction from which he heard Martin and the yelled back "Martin! C'mon! C'mon all y'all! Come face me like a man!" He then took another two shots to which he got nothing back. Of course he thought that maybe he had wounded some of the group but he wanted to believe that on the off chance he had killed them. The group's former leader Alex Ryan reloaded his pistol and began to run in the direction of the shed where his ex best friend Roy Dennison and companion Mark Annerly were being held hostage. 

Martin, Harry, Logan and Reg laid on the ground waiting for Alex to either shoot again and walk towards them. He then fired two shots but luckily did not hit any of them. They all laid as silent and still as they possibly could and eventually heard foot step that came at a fast pace but headed in the direction of the shed. Martin poked his head up with his rifle aimed ready to shoot. He had Alex in his sight. He was well in range. One pull of the trigger now would finish what Roy started and then it would only be Wallis and Robert to deal with. But just as Martin went to shoot, the road took a bend which Alex followed and disappeared from Martin's sight. "Goddamit" Martin grunted in frustration. "We gotta go on and catch that sonofabitch" Logan said furiously but Martin disagreed instantly. "No. We need to protect the house, it's the only place we can fortify. Logan, Reg go back, defend the place, make some barriers, Get Jason what he needs for Theodore and Douglas, Take care of the women and the little ones. Harry, me and you will go on" he said. Reg nodded at Martin and thanked him for what he had down to support the group. Harry and Logan shook hands and then finally the four of them pursued their objectives. 

Logan and Reg returned to the house to find Kyle standing at the fence on watch. They were both sprinting as fast as they could but slowed down as the got closer. "Where the hell is Martin and Harry?" Kyle asked to which Reg said "They've gone after them". Kyle nodded and told them to go inside while he stayed on watch. As they entered Leigh and Molly were overjoyed to see Logan and Reg walk through the door. Although Melissa was pleased to see them return, she feared the reasoning as to why her boyfriend was not back. Reg could see the worry building and building in her eyes. "He's alive. Him and Harry have gone to get Roy and Mark" he said trying to calm her down. "Reg, Douglas needs antibiotics or he's gonna get a blood infection and if he don't get em, he'll die much sooner than later" Jason said to Reg. Reg decided that something had to be done about this. "Logan, you and Jason go wherever you need to go. Get what you need and then get the hell back. It ain't safe out there. We don't know where Wallis is headed" he said but then Jason informed him that Theodore needed more medical attention as well in the way of proper stitches, fresh bandages and antibiotics. "I'm fine" Theodore said. "Now where's Roy and Mark?" he continued. Reg told Jason and Logan to go but before they did leave, Leigh stopped Logan and pressed her lips against his and whispered "Make sure you come back alive". Then finally, Jason and Logan set out to find the medical supplies. 

Martin and Harry weren't that far behind Alex. They could just see him but couldn't see where he was headed. "He's well in range man, take the shot" Harry said to Martin. "No, we don't know where Wallis is and we don't know what could be waiting for us. We need to at least see where he's going. Then we know where Roy and Mark are" Martin said back to Harry. They followed Alex a little further down the dirt track until they saw his destination. It was the shed where Chewy was killed. Martin and Harry got to cover and watched Alex enter the shed. "We need to wait until someone comes out. But we only wound em'" Martin said before a pistol handle hit him across the back of the head and knocked him unconscious. Harry looked behind himself Wallis' wingman standing there with his pistol aimed at Martin's head. The ex bandit pulled his own pistol out and went to shoot Robert with it until the unfriendly weapon changed it's line of fire to Harry's head. Robert then said "Do anything stupid and your friend here dies. So you must be Harry Webster huh?"

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