5 Friends and a Stranger

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Whoever the spokesman for this group was didn't want any conflict with Roy. "I'm Theodore Stockman and this is my wife Cassandra" Theodore then pointed at the other three men and said we met them a week ago. They are brothers. Their names are Bill, Mark and Seth Annerly. We need a place to rest for the night or a few days. Somewhere to hole up. If you were alone maybe we could stay out of your way here for tonight. Just tonight." Roy lowered the shotgun and said "Okay then. There's a gate around near the gym wing, It's safe. You can come in through there". Theodore was grateful. 

Roy met Theodore and his group at the gate and let them. When Theodore walked through Roy extended his hand to him and said "I'm Roy Dennison. And umm.... I'm sorry about that bit of a tension out on the oval before. I'm just a bit touchy with people I take in". Theodore didn't blame Roy one bit for what he did. "It's fine man, in these crazy days, that's how you gotta be". Roy, Theodore and the others kept on walking further into the school. "Just so you know all he wings are cleared". Roy said as he pointed at the humanities wing and said "That one has a sofa in it. Your wife can rest there if she wants". For this Theodore was very appreciative.  As they continued to walk Roy gave Theodore the map and said "Here's a map of the school, come and see me once you've settled in. I'll be in the teachers lounge in the front wing"

Later on that night Theodore came to the teachers lounge and knocked on the door. Roy old him to come in and sit down. "There are just a few I wanna ask you  a few thing Theodore". Theodore thought that after how Roy had welcomed them he was a good man and thought that a few questions wouldn't do any harm. "Sure" Theodore said back to Roy. "Since the outbreak began, what have you and your wife through?" Roy asked him. At first Theodore wasn't quite comfortable answering this but then he remembered what Roy had given his wife. "Well, we lived on a mining plantation not to far away from Everton. I worked for the guy owned it. He took all of his employees in but we had to work. He did nothing. My wife was treated like a slave. Then last week Bill and his brothers turned up and felt the same as me. Why the fuck should we do this? So we decided to leave. We killed the majority of the guard around the walls and left but now he's after us" Theodore said as his answer. Roy thought he was telling the truth but there was more to what he wanted to know. He said to Theodore "I owned the gun shop in Port Moore. Got rid of pests for some people to. Maybe I know this guy. What's his name?" Theodore was nervous but still answered the question. "He's Italian. Angelo Ghiotto." Roy didn't know him so he let Theodore  return to his wife.  

Later that night Roy saw Bill, Mark and Seth walking on the front lawn of the school. He thought that he might as well join them. "Hey guys, whats doing?" Roy yelled out to the brothers. Bill put his hand out and said "Roy isn't it? Bill Annerly". Roy was accepting of this. He shook Bill's hand and said "Roy Dennison" Mark and Seth both shook Roy's hand and then they continued the walk. "Theodore told me how you all met. You seem like good guys." Bill wasn't going to question that statement but he thought that Theodore was a men and him and his brothers. Seth, the youngest then asked Roy if he had been told about Angelo Ghiotto. "Yeah, Theodore told me. Listen I'll do all I can to help with that but I'm on my own. I can't risk the school". They all could understand that. "We would feel the same if we were in your position Roy" Mark then said. As they walked a little further a shot was fired which hit Bill in the arm. Bill fell back and yelled in pain as Roy got ready to shoot his pistol. Mark looked at Bill's wound which was on his arm. Seth stood with Roy and was ready to shoot. "Shit Bill, Roy we gotta get him to medical supplies" Mark said as more shots were fired and Roy and Seth fired back. Theodore came running onto the front lawn with his gun and gave Roy and the others cover as the ran off the front lawn. But as this happened the shooters came forward still firing. Theodore manage to get a look at one of them. He knew this face. "Angelo" Theodore muttered under his breath. Roy and the others made it to cover but one of Angelo's men had a rocket launcher. He fired at the front wing which separated the 5 men.

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