Burning Desire

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Roy and Theodore went into the cafeteria to check on Bill. "How is he?" Roy asked. "He'll live" Cassandra replied. "That fire is getting quicker by the minute. We gotta do something". Theodore said to the group. Roy then asked Theodore for the map which he gave to Roy who saw on it that the water system valves were located underground between the Manual Arts and Science wings. "Okay Seth you come with me" Roy said. "Theodore, Cassandra, Mark and Bill, Get any heavy stuff you can find dumpsters, tables, couches, fridges anything to make a wall from the science to the drama wing. We need to fence off the inner school from the eaters. Bill do what you can" He continued as he and Seth ran over to valve. 

When they reached the location on the map they saw a steel panel below them. "That's it? How do we open it?!" Seth exclaimed to Roy as he pulled out  his hatchet and smashed the hinges on the panel which caused it to fall in. "Like that" Roy said to Seth as they both went underground. Seth asked Roy what they were doing. "We gotta confirm something". Seth didn't think that was much to go on and he was right it wasn't. "We gotta see if this pipe goes to the oval" Roy then said as he shined his torch down a long tunnel. "And it does" He said victoriously but Seth still didn't fully understand what they were trying to do. "We gotta get the water to go to the oval see we can put the fire out. We need that water free. Now we need hoses, a shovel, ax and sledge hammer from the groundskeepers shed." Roy said to Seth and then they both ran to the shed. 

At the cafeteria, the wall was far from finished. Theodore and the others had only collected two dumpster and a fridge to hold any eaters off. Mark spotted a bench near the Special Education Unit. It had already been detached from the ground so lifting was the only hard part. When Mark tried to lift it too much pressure was put on his arm which caused him to cry out in pain. Cassandra was the only one who saw him. "Bill!" She shouted as he ran over to him. She let him rest on her shoulder as they walked back to the cafeteria. Cassandra sat Bill down and wen to help the others but what Cassandra didn't know was that there was an eater coming up behind her and Bill was the only one who saw it. "Cassandra!" He yelled out to her as he tackled the eater and when he did the eater bit him on the arm. "ARGH!!!" He screamed out.  

Roy and Seth got to the shed as fast as they could to find the shovel, ax, sledge hammer and hoses. Whilst they rummaged around searching every inch of the shed they heard screams coming from the cafeteria. At this moment Roy saw a shovel. "Take it and go and see what the problem is. I'll keep looking" Seth said to Roy as he ran back to the cafeteria with the shovel. 

When Roy got back to the cafeteria Theodore and was still building the wall but Mark and Cassandra were attending to Bill's bite. As soon as Roy saw the dead eater and the trail of blood he knew someone had been bitten. He walked into the cafeteria and saw Mark and Cassandra with Bill. "Roy." Mark exclaimed as he told Roy what had happened. "Do y'all know what happens when you're bit?" He asked Mark and Cassandra. They knew just as much as Roy knew. "What would happen if you were bitten on the leg or arm and you cut it off?" He asked them. To this they were nervous but thought that it may work. Roy pulled his hatchet out and said to Mark "If you wanna do it, go ahead". Mark thought it was only right if he did it. Roy gave him the hatchet and then went to the oval. 

Roy kept on looking at the map so he knew were how far to go onto the oval. When he thought he was out far enough he stopped and began to dig down hoping that he was in the right place to find the were the pipes connected. As he began to dig down an eater walked behind but by the time he saw it, it was on his back. 

Meanwhile in the shed, Seth had found a sledge hammer, ax and 4 hoses. As soon as he had these he carried the ax and hammer in his hand and wrapped the hoses around his shoulder and then ran straight back to the cafeteria. When he got there he walked in to find Roy. But he got a rude shock. He saw his oldest brother lying on the floor with one of his arms parted from his body. "What the fuck?" Seth exclaimed. Mark told him the situation with Bill and tried to comfort him as much as he could by putting his hands on his cheeks. Once he was finished he told his youngest brother to go to Roy.

Roy had fallen into the hole he had dug with the eater on top of him. He had to throw it off his back using nothing but his back. When Roy tried to get out of the hole to get a weapon, the eater grabbed his ankle and pulled him back. Roy kicked it in the head but wasn't good enough to kill it. He tried to smash it's head against the wall of the hole, but as he went to do this he tripped over the pipe and fell on top of the eater. He was able to roll off the top of it but the eater was now on top of him. It was snarling in his face, Roy's life was flashing before his life, his time was now over. He closed his eyes and prepared for the end of his 34 year long life. Visions of happy times with his parents, Alex, Chewy, Susan and Katie flashed in his eyes. Just when he thought it was over, a sledge hammer it the eater in the head. Seth had saved Roy's life. Seth pulled Roy out of the hole and saw that his face was covered in blood. "Thanks so much man". Seth said back "It's fine man, you've helped to save my brother". They smashed open the pipe and let the water run out. "Connect the hoses now. Make them run as far as they can to the front wing"Roy said to Seth as he went to get the others. 

Roy ran as fast as he could to the cafeteria to get the others. The fire had reached the recourse center and was spreading fast. "Theodore, whats the situation here?" Roy asked Theodore who told him that Cassandra managed to stop Bill's arms from bleeding but the most minor disturbance could start it again. Roy then told the group that they needed to start putting the fire out and then he told them their jobs. "Theodore and Mark, get anything you can put water in, Seth is pumping into the ground, get over to the oval side of the front and put water on the fire. Cassandra, get a gun stand between us and Seth. If any eater come shoot them. Bill, if you can take a gun, go upstairs and cover Cassandra from up there, fire three times in the air if you need help. Can you do this?" Bill really wasn't up to this but that didn't stop him. "I'll do it Roy" he said. Roy then told everyone to go to there position. For himself; he went with Theodore and Mark. 

Roy, Theodore and Mark used anything they could to conceal water in. Bottles, buckets, Mark even used a pair of an eaters shoes. Cassandra and Bill's job so far was easy. Not many eaters at all. But Roy, Theodore and Marks wasn't. The fire wasn't lessening. The more the fire went on, the more desperate they became. Roy ending up getting an eater and soaking it in water and then throwing it into the burning front wing. Theodore soaked his shirt and threw it in the fire. They felt weak. The fire had just as well moved on from the front wing and was now destroying the resource center, the science wing was next. At this point several eaters began to come towards the group. Seth had no choice but the leave the pipe. It didn't matter how much Cassandra and Bill shot at them, they didn't die off to an effective point. Roy told everyone to run. To meet at on the road near the gym. He would get Bill. But just after he said this the herd of eaters surrounded Theodore. "THEO!!" Cassandra yelled out crying. Knowing that the love of her life would most likely die. Eaters slowly fell down around Theodore but it couldn't have been enough to make a gap. As Mark pulled Cassandra back and Seth rejoined the group, they came to the conclusion that Theodore was dead. 

They all regrouped out on the road. With Cassandra sobbing on Marks shoulder and Bill in pain. "Where do we go from here?" Seth asked Roy. The first thing they need to do was get supplies and leave Everton before Angelo found them. "We'll search the town and then get the fuck out of her" Roy said back to Seth. They then began to move as fast as they could down the road. The further they got down the road the heard a vehicle approaching. They all thought it as Angelo. Roy and Seth raised their guns ready to fire but then they hear a familiar voice yell out "MOVE!!!!!" 

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