Crossing Paths

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While Robert held Harry at gun point Wallis and Alex stood in the shed awaiting a gun shot. "They'll notice that they ain't come back soon. They'll come lookin for em'" Wallis said to Alex who thought that possibility resided on the positive side. "That's good. Let em' come. Kill em' all. Let em' come to us". He said to Wallis but disagreed. "No. I wanna kill these three slowly. I want these three to die on their own. I want em to die living with the fear of not knowing what's gonna happen their so called innocent people. So I want you to go Alex. Take the car. You go and kill the niggas. And the guy I shot in Everton. But if you see any of them fuckers on the way, you track em down and you kill em. Understand?" Wallis put to Alex. Usually a man who worked for Wallis would only do something like this out of fear. But Alex wasn't like other men. He accepted this command with pleasure. He took his rifle and any other available weapons, went to the car and began to drive to the cabin. Robert stopped and watched Alex drive away as did Harry. "Where the hell is he going?" He barked at Robert but all he did to this was press the barrel of the gun against his head.

Alex was now closer to the cabin than the shed and was keeping an eye out for any members of the group who may have been gone from the cabin. With no hunches as to who it might have been, Alex spotted two men walking towards the highway. He pulled the car over on the side of the road and aimed his rifle in the direction of these two men. He would not be able to get a clear shot on them as the trees impaired his vision but when he had the aim and the opportunity he would take the shot. Eventually he did. 

For about 45 minutes Logan and Jason had been on their way to where Jason could get what he needed to help the wounded. "Where are we actually going?" Logan asked Jason who didn't even have a clear idea himself. "Port Moore got a GP Clinic?" He asked Logan. It did. "Well that's our play" Jason then said. As they continued to walk to the highway Jason said to Logan "How'd the thing with Leigh flare up?" Logan had never been very experienced with girls and never really did have the right idea on how to handle them. "Uhhh I don't know. I know she has her dad but I think she feels alone a lot of the time and I think she's seen that so do I" Logan said Jason who agreed. "When I first met those three. It was a few days before I met y'all. Wallis O'Donald had just shot their tires out the car went off a bridge but they bailed out in time. I could see it then and I can see it now. She loves Reg and Reg loves her, but she does feel alone. And she's more of a mother to Molly then a sister. I think our two small groups stumbled across Roy's group for a reason. You and Leigh need each other" He said. Logan really appreciated this. "Jason" he said just before a shot was fired at them which hit the ground just before their feet. 

Logan and Jason stopped for a split second until Logan said "C'mon lets go lets go" and began running. They could then hear a car approaching at a vast speed. Logan decided it was best for Jason to go on to the clinic in Port Moore and he would stay back and take care of whoever was trying to kill them. "I'll meet you there." Jason said to Logan who just wanted Jason to hurry before it was too late. Logan looked back at the car and saw that it was not keeping to the dirt tracks and was going cross country. Logan armed his rifle got on one knee and aimed it as best he could at the driver. He saw who it was and he said this foes name under his breathe. "Alex". Logan had a perfect shot now. One pull of the trigger and the wretched, sorry life of Alex Ryan would be ended. His finger was on the trigger and just as he was about to pull it and eater grabbed Logan on his shoulder and the shot was fired anyway. Logan threw the eater on to the ground without getting bitten and as he did this and loud crash was heard. He looked up and saw that Alex had crashed and hopefully did not survive it. Logan kicked the eaters head in and the began to catch up to Jason. 

Shortly after, Alex realized what had happened and who had shot at him. The bullet luckily for him did not hit him but it did crack the windscreen. Alex had a golden chance to kill two members of the group and had to maintain his pursuit. He kicked out the windscreen and crawled out of the crashed car and then pulled his rifle out and began to follow the road to the highway knowing that there was a chance he could kill Logan and whoever was with him. 

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