Home Again

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As the group sprinted in the direction of the house Martin eventually caught up. To ensure that he wasn't left behind Douglas slowed down and waited for Martin. Once they were together Martin said as he was struggling to keep his breath "Thanks man, c'mon".  As they began to catch up to the rest of the group the herd of eaters slowly approached them. But unexpectedly, a lone eater caught Martin and Douglas by surprise. It lunged at Douglas and sunk its teeth into his upper arm. In pain, he screamed "AHHH!!" The group stopped and looked back at them and heard Martin yell out "Douglas!" as he drove his knife into the eaters head. Kyle bellowed the name of his best friend as he began to run back to them until Martin told the group to keep going. The groups current leader lowered Douglas who was moaning in pain on to the ground and picked a stick up off the ground. As he gave it to Douglas he said "Bite on this man. I'm sorry". Douglas began to bite on the stick as Martin began to hack Douglas arm off with this knife. "AHHHHH! FUCK!!!!!" Douglas screamed in excruciating pain until he passed out. The arm eventually came off but Douglas was losing blood at an incredible pace and the herd was nearing. Martin took Douglas' blood soaked shirt off and bound the wound with it as best as he could. Martin slung his wounded friend over his shoulder and ran as fast as he could in the direction of the house.

The group could finally see the house. They received a typical John Lewis welcome as they approached the porch. He aimed his shotgun at the group and grunted in an aggressive tone "What the hell do you fuckers want?". Jason was the first on to the porch. He stormed pass John and into the house and muttered "We got two wounded, I need to operate with anything he have". Beth took Katie by the arm and pulled her toward her as Jason said "Beth I'll need your help with him, he's been shot, Douglas has been bitten and lost most of his right arm. Logan! Go out the back get a fire a goin'. I'll need to cauterize Douglas wound." Martin and Logan carried Douglas out the back with Kyle following them. Reg got Katie and Molly together and told them to stay in the kitchen until either himself or Leigh ask them to come out. As Beth did what she could for Theodore, Cassandra helped. John then began to protest against what was going on. "I want all y'all out of here right now!" He shouted as he aimed his gun at Jason, but was prevented from going further thanks to Bill who pulled out his pistol, swung John around until he was facing him and hit John across the head the his pistol leaving John unconscious. 

Night had fallen over the area. Theodore was now awake. He had been given the all clear from the shot that Wallis fired at him. However things weren't as on the brightside for Douglas. The bleeding had stopped but the wound had not been properly stitched and there was still a risk infection. The whole group sat quietly in the main living area of the house with nothing but a few dim candles to give them light. Jason then broke the silence by saying "Someone's gotta go on a run tomorrow, get stitches for Douglas and antibiotics in case of an infection. I'll go with y'all to make sure the right things are got". Martin then said without question that he would go but Melissa denied this. "No. Baby you've done enough" she said to which Zach supported her by saying "Melissa's right man. You should just take it easy". The group was in silence again until Logan said "It might not be safe. The guy who shot Theodore and killed Bill's brother might still be out there. From what y'all have said, it sounds like Wallis o'Donald but the other guy.....I dunno." As soon as Wallis o'Donald's name was mention John and Beth switched on. "O'Donald?" he said. The group wanted to stop John from worrying. He told the elderly couple that they weren't sure. He then looked at Leigh only to see her fighting back tears and looking at the ground. "We just need to wait until Roy gets back. Mark too" Harry said as he walked out the back to where Mick was buried. 

Harry stood at Mick's grave fighting back tears muttering over and over to himself "I'm sorry brother" until Logan slowly approached him. "Hey, you ok?" He said softly. "Yeah, I just...." Harry began to say. "I just had to come see him while we were here. Don't know if we'll be back y'know". He finished. Logan didn't say anything for at least five minutes but he eventually said "If they guy who shot Theodore was that bastard.." until Harry cut him off who said that they would deal with it. Martin and John approached Harry and Logan. When Logan saw this he began to walk back to the house. Martin asked Harry if he was holding up ok. "Yeah, I just wanna be left alone right now if that's ok" Harry said as Martin nodded and began to walk back to the house with John. During the walk back to the house John asked Martin where Roy was and if the group had seen Alex and Chewy. "John.." Martin said. "Alex and Chewy left Roy for dead on that run. Cause he was grieving. Roy went to kill em both. We told him where they were and we went with him. John, Roy was in the right. I watched him kill Chewy. I watched Chewy choke to death on his own blood. Roy's gone after Alex." Martin finished. This meant a lot to John. Chewy was his son-in-law and now he had to tell his granddaughter that her dad was dead. What could he tell her of how he died? 'Shit.... and what about Wallis o'Donald?" John asked Martin who said "We don't know for sure but from what Bill has told us we think it was him who shot Theodore". John didn't know what to think of this. He looked at Harry and then looked at Logan and said "They'll kill him." 

Logan was approaching the back door. Just as he was about to go back inside Leigh was waiting for him and called him aside by softly saying "Hey". Logan stopped and looked at her for a minute and then said "Hey" back in friendly tone. Leigh smiled at him with that typical girly look until she said "I've noticed that you've been a bit quiet lately. You know. Lonely." Logan took a moment and nodded to say yes. "Well, if you ever need someone to talk to Logan, I'm not going anywhere" she said maintaining the smile. Logan grinned back at her and thanked her. "And if there's ever anything you need, with Molly or...." He said. Leigh walked slowly closer to Logan and eventually hugged him. This moment was very special for the both of them. They needed each other. Their magic lasted until a vehicle's lights shone through the house and then pulled up leaving the lights. The group was in no immediate hurry to see who was in the car until a warning shot was fired. 

Logan took Leigh's hand and lead her into the house. Leigh saw Molly and Katie and went straight over to them to keep them calm. "Go" she said to Logan as he grabbed his pistol and headed on to the porch. Outside everyone was there waiting for whoever was driving the vehicle to step out. Eventually he did. "Well, well, well". The driver said. "I recall the last time we were all here. When my wingman, my best fucking friend was murdered. "Lucas wasn't murdered!" Harry shouted at the driver. "Oh but he was" he said back to Harry and then looked to Theodore, Bill, Zach, Cassandra and Melissa and said "I don't believe we've met before so how about I introduce myself. Oh hold on, you" he said pointing at Theodore "I've met you before, suprised to see you ain't dead. The rest of ya, I'm Wallis o'Donald and your friend John Lewis here owes me a pretty fucking price, and Harry and Logan, need me to teach em a lesson". The group was shocked but the confident leaders such as Martin, Theodore and Zach remember the odds. "Not before I kill you Wallis!" Reg shouted at Wallis. "REGGY BOY!!" Wallis shouted back in sarcastic excitement. "How could I forget you and those beautiful daughters of yours?" he continued. Reg took a furious step towards Wallis but was held back by Zach and Logan. Wallis chuckled at this and said "Now y'all give me the motherfucker who killed Lucas and your other friend here gets to live" as he pulled Mark by the ear from the vehicle. The group was even more shocked especially Theodore, Bill and Cassandra. Wallis aimed his pistol at Marks head and said "Where is he?" He was about to pull the trigger until Robert stepped out from behind the car and said "Wallis!" Wallis looked at him as did the group. "I've got the other one. His name's Roy Dennison. I got new member." Robert said as this new member showed his face as Robert said "His name's Alex Ryan". Now the group felt truly weak and done for. When Alex showed his face every heart within the group sunk. Wallis chuckled and said "Well good, That's very fucking good. Now we're gonna go and torture Mark and uhhh Roy to death and the come back kill the rest of y'all". Wallis asked Robert were Roy was and the answer he got was "In shed in chains". Wallis, Robert and Alex got in the vehicle with Mark still as a hostage and drove away. Martin, John, Theodore, Bill, Harry, Logan and Reg's hearts were raging with anger. 

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