Chapter 2 "I hate school"

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Beep beep

"Ugh!! Shut up!!" I yelled trying to press snooze but falling out of the bed instead.

" Owww." I said rubbing my head.

I might as well get up now that I'm awake.

I walked downstairs to make some toast and get some orange juice only to find my mother complaining.

" Stupid phone doesn't even work!" She yelled throwing her phone at the wall.

Ignoring her I continued to make my breakfast not wanting to deal with her hangover.

" A hello would be nice." She snapped holding her forehead.

" And a loving mother would be nice but I guess we both lucked out." I said rolling my eyes.

I drank my juice and finished my toast so I decided to take a quick shower.

After my shower I dried my hair and styled it putting a little braid throughout it. Then I got dressed in my red plaid shirt, blank skinnies, black converse, put on some eye shadow, and some lip balm.

I looked at my reflection to make sure I looked okay, then I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs.

Just as I was stepping outside my mother stopped me.

" No goodbye? Wow I feel so loved." She said snotty

" Now you know how I feel everyday." I said as I slammed the door shut and walked to the bus stop.

The bus stop was just around the corner but I had to pass Luke's house to get there. Not my favorite part of the walk but I try to ignore him. I put in my earbuds and tried to focus on my music.

I finally made it to the bus stop without interruptions, new record. Finally the bus came around and I walked back to my seat with Anna.

" Hey Ev." She said taking out one of her earbuds.

" Hey." I said taking out one of mine.

" How was your walk here?" She asked.

Anna is the only one that knows about Luke and she try's to look out for me whenever she can.

" Actually, it was peaceful." I said smiling.

" See maybe this year will be different." She said smiling which gave me hope.

" Maybe." I said smiling myself.


I was at my locker gathering my books for math and science when someone pushed me to the ground and threw my books everywhere. I grabbed my head to try and stop the pain.

Then if that wasn't enough the person kicked me hard in my stomach making me groan in pain.

When I had enough strength I opened my eyes to see the one and only Luke Hemmings. That idiot was smiling and acting all innocent.

" Oops." He said before laughing and walking away with his little "group".

I tried to control my tears but a few fell, and as fast as they fell I wiped them away hoping no one would notice.

I stood up slowly and went to gather my books then shut my locker. By the time I was done I had 5 minutes to get to class, I tried to run but ended up speed walking.

I finally made it to class to see the only open chair was in the back next to Luke, great. I walked back there, more like limped, and took my seat.

I unpacked my things surprised at how quiet Luke was. Maybe for once he wouldn't cause a scene in class.

" No Hi?" He asked cocky

" Not to you." I snapped

" Wow someone's snappy." He replied

" Shut up." I said sick of his attitude.

" Excuse me?" He asked turning towards me resting his head on his hand.

" I said, shut up." I replied looking at him and then turning my head away.

" Lukey why are you talking to that worthless freak?" Hannah asked, she's the "popular" girl in the school who barely where's clothes, but she's also Luke's girlfriend.

" Good question, she's not worth my time." He said turning to Hannah.

Ouch. His words hurt, he used to always have time for me. I just rolled my eyes and looked at the teacher, maybe I'll actually be able to pay attention in class today.


The bell signaling for lunch rang so I gathered my things and headed out the door. Luckily I was the first one out of class so I went to meet with Anna.

As I saw her I started limping towards her.

" Oh my gosh Evelyn what happened?" She asked

" Luke happened." I replied trying to hold back tears.

" Evy, you're  limping!" She gasped putting one arm around my shoulder and walking me to the table.

" I hate school." I said

" Ev I'm so sorry." She said with tears in her eyes.

" It's okay, can you come over today after school." I asked

" You bet, I'll sleep over too." She replied as she sat down next to me.

The rest of school consisted of name calling, nothing I'm not used too.

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