Chapter 5 Prom dresses and high heals

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Today Anna and I are going shopping for prom dresses since prom is 1 week away.

I still don't have a date but that doesn't surprise me.

" Hey Evy do you think Calum will like this one better, or this one?" Anna asked holding up two dresses.

" I don't know, try them both on." I said

" You're a genius." She said with so much excitement.

Anna is going to prom with Calum Hood, I've seen him around, he seems nice, so hopefully Anna will have a better time this year.

Anna came out of the dressing room in a short white strapless dress with lace that goes to the ground.

" Anna you look beautiful!" I smiled

" Really? I'm not feeling it." She confessed looking down at herself

" Go try on the other one." I said excited

" Alright." She chuckled

Before I had time to blink Anna busted through the door in a stunning floor length red dress with silver straps.

"Anna you look stunning." I said as my mouth dropped.

" You think so?" She smiled

" Yes I think that's the one." I said

" Me too." She said as she twirled.

" Alright now it's your turn. Take these and go change." She said handing me 5 dresses and pushing me into the dressing room.

I decided on trying on the white one she tried on earlier. Once I got it on I looked at myself then opened the door.

" Wow that looks a lot better on you then it did on me." She said

" Turn around." I turned around in a full circle.

" You are so beautiful Evelyn." She said in awe which made me smile. I'm not used to being called beautiful, it's usually ugly, fat, or pig.

I went in the dressing room and tried on a short red dress with lace straps. I walked out to show Anna and she shook her head. This dress just didn't seem fancy enough.

Then I tried on the dark blue gown with straps but me and Anna didn't like it.

I went back into the dressing room and put on a strapless deep red ball gown.

I opened the door and spun around.

" That is stunning, try on the blue one." She said smiling

I went back into the dressing room and tried on the same dress in blue.

This time I really looked at myself in the mirror. I loved this dress, it fit perfectly.

I opened the door and Anna was no where to be seen. Great. Now is not the time to be wandering around the store.

I sighed and shut the dressing room door so no one would take my stuff.

I started walking towards the shoes because If I know Anna, that's her love. I walked down every aisle and didn't see her anywhere.
I walked towards the bathroom only to pass the person I didn't want too. Me and Luke made eye contact. You wanna talk about awkward? That's it.

I turned my head and walked toward the dressing room instead. I do NOT want anything to do with Luke, this is supposed to be girl time.

I walked back to the dressing room and finally saw Anna freaking out.

" Anna what's wrong." I said and by the sound of my voice she lifted her head up.

" I thought you were taken or something, I kept calling you but you didn't answer." She replied letting out a breath.

" Anna I'm okay, I just went to go find you to show you this dress." I said hugging her.

" You have to get that one." She said seriously.

" I know I love it." I said smiling.

" Oh Anna, can you crawl under the door and unlock it, I locked it so no one would take my stuff." I chuckled

" Sure." She laughed

She managed to crawl under and unlock it.

" Thank you." I said going inside to grab my stuff and change.

" You're welcome now hurry up we still need shoes!" She said making me laugh.

I took it off and put my regular clothes back on. This is a successful shopping trip.


" So you saw them? Like holding hands or what?" Anna asked as we finished checking out.

" Yes, but she didn't notice me. She was holding Luke's hand but Luke looked at me." I said for the hundredth time

" Did he look mad like usual." She asked as we walked out of the store, bags in hand.

" He looked, different. Like how he used to look at me when we were friends." I said smiling to myself.

" I wish he didn't change, he was a lot of fun." I said laughing at our old memories.

" Yeah, I miss him too." She said smiling.

We were now walking in the crazy busy parking lot. I hate the mall but love the things I get. Does that make sense?

Anyways we had to park toward the back of the parking lot because it was crowded
So walking there hurt my feet even more the they already did.

As we were walking we passed Luke and Hannah. Fantastic.

" Hey Evelyn." Luke said which surprised me.

" Uh, hi?" I said in more of a question.

" Luke, why are you talking to her?" Hannah asked

" Why do you care?" He spat. Uh oh, I think we are about to witness a Hannah Luke fight, they're never good.

" Gosh! Can't I just speak without you hovering over me watching my every move!?" Luke yelled.

" Well you're not exactly trust worthy." She spat rolling her eyes.

" Me? I'm not trust worthy? You're the one that had a new "boyfriend" every week. I'm only with you for popularity." He yelled

" No I don't!! You have no prof if I did anyway." She said argued

" You're an idiot. " He hissed

With that Hannah slapped him across the face and started bawling. I didn't get to see what happend next because Anna pulled me into the car.

" What was that about?" She asked

" I don't know." I replied

But I had a feeling whatever it was, I was gonna be the one who it gets taken out on tomorrow.

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