Chapter 19 " I don't want this."

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Annas pov

I finally unpack my back as I heard my doorbell ring. Ignoring I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to get some water.

" An you gonna get that?" My mom yelled from her bedroom. She was watching a chick flick and probably had mascara running down her face.

" I got it!" I yelled back to her.

I did a once over and thought I looked somewhat presentable with my black hoodie and grey sweatpants.

" Yes?" I asked as I opened the door

" Anna!" Ev yelled pulling me into a hug, I barely hugged back.

" I've been calling you and texting you all day for the past week! Then I drove to your uncles old house with Luke and found Kyle there, I asked him where you were and he said home so that's why I'm here." She said gasping the end.

I just stared at here confused. Why did she go through all that trouble just to find me. I thought she didn't care.

" Why is he here?" I asked pointing to Luke and totally ignoring her whole explanation.

" Oh he came with me." She smiled grabbing his hand.

All it took was one look at him for me to slam the door in their faces.

" Anna wait!" I heard Ev yell

" I don't want to see him." I said through the door

" I have nothing to say to him." I finished as I walked away

I decided to go to bed it's been a long day. Figuring my mom fell asleep, I got ready as quietly as I could and got into bed. With nothing but Evelyn and Luke on my mind.



I turned and tossed in bed


Ugh what is that sound!


Okay I'm fed up. I got out of my warm bed and followed the sound, realizing it was coming from my window.

I look out of my blind to see Luke standing there throwing rocks at my window, then I checked the time to see it was midnight.

I quietly went down stairs hoping I don't wake my mom. When I opened the door I saw Luke gathering more rocks.

" What are you doing!" I whisper yelled causing him to jump

" I needed to get your attention because I need to talk." He replied Innocently

" So you decided on throwing rocks at my window at midnight!?" I said shutting the door and going closer to him.

" Listen we need to talk." He said seriously after he stopped chuckling.

" Okay." I replied blankly sitting under our huge tree. He sat down next to me leaving a reasonable amount of space.

It was silent for a few minuets until I spoke. " Why." I sniffed not looking at his face.

" Why what?" He asked

" Why would you betray her like that." I said letting a tear fall.

" Why would you promise something that you can't keep?" I asked

"Why did you hurt her?"

" Why are you even here." I silently cried wiping my tears with my hoodie.

" Well." He started

" Do you really want to know?" He asked turning to face me

" Why else would I have asked." I stated turning to face him.

" I broke up with Ev today." He said

" How'd she take it?"

" She seemed kind of relieved honestly. I'm the one that took it hard." He said

" Why did all of this start." I asked

" Because when I was about 8 I was getting bullied. I didn't tell anyone, not even Ev. The bullying got worse and worse to the point where I wanted nothing to do with anyone. Not even Ev. I distanced myself from her thinking maybe the bullying wouldn't affect me as much. Boy was I wrong, it just got worse. It got to the point were I started taking out all of my emotions out on people who didn't deserve it. People like Ev. And if I could take back anything I've ever done it would hands down be that. I regret that with all I have. I wish I never did that, if I didn't none of this would've happened." He finished crying.

" Why did you hurt me?" I asked

" Because, because I was still hurt. And I promised I wouldn't hurt Ev anymore but I think I did because I hurt you." He finished

" I would also take that back with everything I have. I am so so sorry Anna. I know it'll take time for you to forgive me and heck you might not even, I don't blame you for that though. I just really miss our friendship." He said

I stayed silent. Speechless even.
After about 5 minutes of silence he spoke.

" I don't want this." He said crying

" You don't want what?" I asked confused

" I don't want everything to be broken." He cried. He now had his face in his hand ashamed of what he'd done.

" Luke?" I asked

" Yeah." He answered wiping his tears

" I will try to forgive you. I feel you're really being honest and as long as Ev knows everything you just told me, I'd like to be friends again." I said

" Thank you so much Anna you have no idea how grateful I am for you. And yes I explained everything to Ev when we broke up." He said smiling

" Thank you." I said standing up and brushing everything off of me while he did the same.

" No, thank you." He said pulling into him.

I finally made up with one person, next is Ev.

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