Her Dark Side

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Chapter 20

(Her Dark Side)

Callista walked back to the stands to see her guards, brothers, father and Tae waiting. During the competition she'd been allowed to forget what she would be confessing. Now however, she knew it was "Time to pay the piper" so to speak. The teenage girl looked at her guards. She was far more afraid of disappointing her guards than even her father. They might not ever look at her the same. Suddenly what she needed to do hit her. She would give her guards a way out.

"Are you alright?" Braiden asked watching the princess approach.

"No, not really." Callista looked down and then back at her guards. "There is something I need you to know about me." She watched as her guards glanced at each other. "Look before I start my little confession here I need to give you guys the choice."

Looking at the four guards that had been with her most of her time in Shalace she said, "I like having you guys around. I hope you'll stay but if what I say is too hard for you to handle I understand if you want to leave. I won't hold you to staying with me."

"Did you kill someone?" Owen asked suddenly.

"No," Callista said almost sounding annoyed. "I'd be more comfortable admitting that."

"You haven't done anything wrong," Cavin said not understanding what she could possibly confess.

"Not here," Callista admitted. "Well unless you count accepting my father. I'm sure my grandmother hasn't forgiven me for that."

"You did something in the other realm?" Vardan suggested. She nodded. "What does it matter then?"

"I did it there and not here but that doesn't mean it isn't relevant here," The teenage girl replied. "Truth is you probably won't care." Looking at her guards she said, "But it probably will bother you. If you're going to risk your life to protect me you really should know both sides of me."

"What did you do?" Greer asked becoming concerned now.

"And why are you telling us now?" Cavin added.

"I didn't realize until being here that you being my guards was such a big deal," Callista replied. "It never occurred to me that you thought I was only sweet and innocent." The teenager looked away and licked her lips and then looked back at them. She could see their concern and really hated to have to chance upsetting the four Fae guards. "I am a nice person most of the time. However piss me off and I can be a very vindictive bitch."

"What did you do, steal another's man?" Will asked.

"No, worse," Callista replied. "When I said I wasn't girly I probably should've mentioned I spent most of my time with guys. Jocks. In other words guys that played sports." She glanced around and could see no one understood. "I have helped more guys get girls than I care to admit. I've given guys lines to get said girls into bed." Seeing more than a couple mouths fall agape she added, "One girl pissed me off bad enough I helped a guy that wanted her trick her into giving him her virtue."

"You did what?!" Braiden said more than a little shocked.

"What did she do that caused you to do that?" Cavin asked trying to understand.

"She beat the hell out of a younger girl because she tripped, and spilled her drink on her. It was an accident. There was no reason for her to beat the crap out of her. Mindy tried to apologize but Carrie wouldn't hear it. Mindy was too small to fight back. So I got even for her."

"You couldn't stop it?" Will asked.

"No. I was too far away to stop it. And I couldn't kick Carrie's ass because of playing sports. I had to get even in a way that couldn't be proved. So I helped Jason get what he wanted. He got Carrie and she got humiliated."

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