Chapter 38
(Lady Marissa)
Marissa paced back and forth nervously clasping and unclasping her fingers together. It wouldn’t be long and Callista and Amara would arrive to meet her for breakfast. While the redhead was pleased to have some time with her new friends she was also scared to reveal her past to them. ‘What if they end up hating me?’ She internally wondered. Marissa hadn’t had anyone she’d consider a close friends in many years. The idea she might lose their friendship disturbed her greatly.
“I think it’s dead.” Marissa looked over to see a very amused looking Callista.
“The napkin. You don’t have to worry it won’t attack you.”
Marissa looked down to see an extremely shredded napkin in her hands. ‘When did I pick up a napkin?’ Barely separating her hands the napkin seemed to instantly deteriorate leaving no hint as to what it once was.
“Little nervous?” Callista replied teasingly. She watched as her new friend raised her head and saw the look of panic in her eyes. ‘Wrong thing to say.’ She scolded herself. “It’s okay Marissa. I’m your friend,” The blonde woman said placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Besides you don’t know what I’ve done.”
“It can’t be nearly as bad as what I did.”
“Let us be the judge of that,” Amara said revealing she had entered the private balcony. “Let’s sit down. You’re starting to look a little pale,” The Dragon Princess suggested gesturing to the empty table and chairs that sat waiting for them.
“But we won’t start until it’s just the three of us,” Callista announced. Marissa nodded and the three women each took a seat.
It was only a few minutes and the three women were served their breakfast and the servants left them alone per Callista’s gentle but firm words.
“Shall I go first?” The tomboy turned princess offered.
“Yes,” Amara replied. “I just can’t imagine what you could’ve done.” Callista nodded and as she and Marissa fell silent The Dark Elf Princess began her tale.
“You can talk now,” Callista said once she was finished. She watched as her two friends blinked at her clearly caught off guard by her admittance of helping male peers seduce other female students.
“I don’t know what to say,” Amara said clearly in shock of her friend’s confession.
“It’s not nearly as bad as what I did,” Marissa commented. “I mean extremely unexpected but…not worse.”
“Well you might as well get talking then,” The blonde woman announced.
Marissa nodded but a look of sadness crossed her face as she looked down at her plate.
Callista frowned and looked at Amara. The Dragon Princess also frowned not liking to see their friend in such an uncomfortable state.
“We can’t read minds Marissa,” The Dragon Princess reminded her.
“It happened a long time ago. Or at least that’s how it started,” The red haired woman began. “I supposed I’ll start with my child hood. I’m the first daughter of a lord but I was treated as if I was barely above a servant. My sisters had special talents and I didn’t,” She added sadly.
“Like what?” Callista asked.
“Melody has an amazing voice. Moreen is an incredible dancer, Maryanna plays the harp like she created it. My brother Mathais is a skilled soldier and very charming among the ladies. My other brother Michael is an incredible negotiator and again very good at getting what he wants and charming ladies. I didn’t have any special talents and so I was often left out and forgotten.”

Shalace - A World of Fae
FantasyCallista is a tomboy but soon finds herself in a world of royalty and magic. Callista must learn to cope with her new world, new responisbilities, her grandmother's family, A father she's never known and the dangers that surround her. Love, Danger...