Chapter 49
(What the Labyrinth knows)
It was mid morning as Callista left her room and began making her way toward the throne room. She was almost there when she noticed someone on the balcony. It took her only a moment and she realized it was Embry. With a smile on her face she opened the door and walked out onto the balcony.
“Embry!” Callista said as she practically bounced up to him. “It’s so good to see you,” she said and hugged him.
“It’s good to see you as well,” He agreed as he returned her hug. “You’ve been very busy.”
“Did they tell you about Alana?” Callista asked.
Embry nodded. “It’s unfortunate but not entirely surprising,” The prince replied. “There’s something we need to discuss Callista.”
“Don’t worry Embry I know you’re the one that should be King and I am all for that,” She quickly replied. “Trust me I don’t want your throne.”
“No my dear you don’t understand,” Embry replied. He watched as concern flowed over her face. “I’m not going to be king.”
“Oh, is it Linna or….”
“Neither. Callista…”
“It’s not me Embry!” She said instantly feeling defensive. “You and Linna and Mariana are next in line for the throne not me. I have…”
“Callista it is you.” he raised his hand to show her a burn mark. “If I was to be King I would have been able to protect the castle and I couldn’t.”
The prince took hold of her shoulders and looking into her eyes said, “When you’re born doesn’t always matter.” Callista went to argue but Embry spoke first. “Marianna is Queen of the Dwarves. She is not the future of Shalace. She ran from our parent’s kingdom proving she isn’t strong enough.”
“Linna…can never ascend the throne,” Embry told her.
“Why not?” Callista asked.
“She isn’t Abron’s child,” Embry informed her.
“What?” Callista said.
“My mother and father got into a huge spat about Alana. My mother left the castle and….”
“Had an affair,” Callista finished.
“Yes. Abron was going to cut Alana off completely. Finally he agreed to make her a Lady. That satisfied my mother. A short time later they learned she was pregnant.”
“Who’s Linna’s father?” Callista asked.
“Dead,” Embry admitted. “It was said to have been due to a raid from the UnSeelie kingdom of Hoblins.”
“You don’t believe it.”
“No I think my father ordered their deaths so no one would know the truth,” Embry told her. He watched as a look of disappointment crossed the young woman’s face. “You see there is no doubt that it is you that is to be Queen.”
“Callista I know this isn’t something you want. I know you don’t feel the need to have power and that politics mean nothing to you. You care about people Callista. You show respect to the king standing next to you and the maid that brought you a towel equally.”
“I could ruin Shalace.”
“You could save Shalace,” The High Prince countered.
“Who’s protecting Light Shadow?” Callista asked. “Is anyone protecting it?”

Shalace - A World of Fae
FantasyCallista is a tomboy but soon finds herself in a world of royalty and magic. Callista must learn to cope with her new world, new responisbilities, her grandmother's family, A father she's never known and the dangers that surround her. Love, Danger...