Chapter 11
(He is my father)
It was just before midnight as Cavin and his three companions arrived at Dark Elf Palace. The three men did not hide and walked right up to the castle.
“What are you doing here?” A dark Elf sneered.
“We are here by order of King Soren’s daughter,” Cavin announced.
“This way,” The dark elf said. The men didn’t hesitate and followed him through the halls of the palace and into the throne room.
“What is this?” Moryn said seeing the four men enter.
“Shouldn’t you be with my daughter?” King Soren said surprised at seeing the four men.
“We are here on her behalf,” Cavin announced.
“This late?” Vardan said looking at the brown haired guard not believing him.
“Time was of importance,” Braiden commented. He looked at Cavin. The four men all seemed to exchange a glance of uncertainty.
“By all means,” The Dark Elf King replied and waited for the guard to continue.
“If you want to gain your daughter’s acceptance we bring you your chance,” Cavin began. All eyes were on him.
“Really? How might this be accomplished?” Soren inquired regarding the four men with interest.
“Your daughter is to be betrothed to King Leoden tomorrow night,” Cavin informed the room.
“What?!” The dark king yelled suddenly standing. He became so angry even his black hair seemed to turn darker.
“That’s what she said,” Greer commented.
“They can’t do that! Only I can betroth her. If I wasn’t alive Alana could but not with me here!” He yelled angrily.
“As Cavin said, time is of importance,” The dark haired guard said looking over at Vardan.
“She sent you to us to stop it?” Moryn inquired.
“After she asked if they could force her,” Cavin replied. The captain looked at the dark king. “We are your daughter’s defenders. We obey her. Unfortunately at the moment we are stuck with dealing with demands by the fae king and queen. Or at least we were.”
An amused smile graced Prince Owen’s face. “You’ve gone rouge,” The blonde haired prince said pleased.
“We will obey Princess Callista at any cost,” Braiden announced. The three other men nodded in agreement.
“We will protect Callista from anyone and anything. Whether, it is the king and queen of the fae, or anyone else. We are her servants,” Cavin said boldly. “We have been barred from her at the castle but it really doesn’t matter because she needed us to reach you.”
The dark king looked at the four men before him. These four men had sworn themselves to her no matter what. He understood very well what their devotion to his daughter was and he was pleased.
“Is she safe without you?” Soren asked as the thought crossed his face.
“I told her to stay put and play along,” Cavin assured him. “She is not allowed out of her room before the betrothal dinner tomorrow night.” Seeing the king still wasn’t sure he added “Couple of your elves couldn’t hurt.”
“Not impressed by who’s guarding her?” Tae remarked.
“If we didn’t need to be here we’d be in the trees watching her window,” Braiden announced. “The guards are highly loyal to King Abron but…I wouldn’t consider them to be a threat.”

Shalace - A World of Fae
FantasyCallista is a tomboy but soon finds herself in a world of royalty and magic. Callista must learn to cope with her new world, new responisbilities, her grandmother's family, A father she's never known and the dangers that surround her. Love, Danger...