Chapter 2

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"The doors have opened," Grey informed me. 

Grey tugged my arm, which was a sign for when we were to start walking.  I kept up with Grey's pace, making sure that I went no faster or slower than Grey. At the steady pace of 105 steps per minute, the regular walking pace. It was the official speed of walking pace for the New World. I automatically counted the steps in my head.

17... 18... 19... 20...

The counting would restart every time another minute passed. The time passed, each minute passed, and with each minute passed, the more I became Excited, and less Nervous.

Destination arrival: 13:08 pm.

As we walked, I wondered what footsteps sounded like. I knew that footsteps made sounds, ever since the day I questioned what the motions of my feet were called.

Footsteps: a step taken by a person in walking, especially as heard by another person.

Footsteps: a movement made by your foot as you walk or run.

Footsteps: the distance covered by a step.

Ever since that day, every time I walked I questioned what footsteps sounded like. And every time I questioned, I would get the same response:

Footsteps sound like a slight tapping in a pattern, but can be loudened or softened based on the speed and force in a persons step.

But then, I wondered what tapping sounded like, and the definition of tapping came up.

Tapping: to lightly strike, but audibly, something that makes a repeated noise by touching in a repeated order.

Yet, none of these definitions were helpful. I still couldn't hear what tapping was, or what footsteps sounded like. No group of words can create a sound in my head to remember. Because I had no idea what that sound sounded like. But then, there I was, going to a ceremony that would change my life. I would finally get to hear footsteps, and tapping, and everything else that could make a sound. Like my voice.

We continued walking for 15 minutes and 7.8 seconds. Then we halted. And once more, I 'felt' Confusion. I wished I could ask Grey what was going on, but only Guides have the ability to Tele-message some one. I tugged on Grey's arm, hoping she understood what I was trying to get her to understand. Luckily, she could.

"We have reached the Lab. We must wait for a minute and 4.3 seconds until we may enter. Once we are inside, I will guide you to your seat." Grey explained.  Yet again, I nodded to show I understood.

The Excitement grew, and overpowered the other Emotions.  I felt my edges of my mouth lift, I was smiling, I was sure of it. 

Grey tugged me on my arm, queuing me to walk.  I did.  The soft, bumpy ground of dirt from the outside suddenly felt hard, cold, and smooth. 

You have entered the Lab. 

The lab is the place where the Recognition ceremony takes place.  The lab is also the place to go when Youths get their first chip, the Internet Chip.  The people who work at the lab are scientists and technicians, who work to make the New World an even better place. 

The information automatically saved into my memory file in my Information chip.  Of course all information and experiences I had were in my Memory File.  Everything that had ever happened to me was automatically saved into my Memory File, so I could go back and remember things, in the exact way they happened.  Then, Grey stopped walking, so I did too.

"We have entered the Recognition room, I have stopped you in front of chair 33, please sit, and then lay down."

I did as told.  The chair was comfortable and the leather material sunk 0.9 centimeters because of my weight.  I am 112 pounds exactly, like all other female Youths.  None of us were heavier or lighter than the other. 

"A physician and a technician will be here in 5 minutes exactly.  Then the ceremony will begin." Grey informed.

I nodded to show I understood.

My hands were sweating, and my heart rate was beating faster at the second. I felt as if I was going to explode. Which I knew deep down it was physically impossible for a person to explode, so there was no way that could ever happen.  My breathing was rapid, and definitely shorter and faster than my breathing on the train.

Your respiration rate is 3.4 seconds faster than it was on the train.

I tried to lower my rate of breathing. One big breath in, I inhaled slowly, one large breath out, I exhaled slowly also. I continued doing so until my respiration rate was normal. Which took 3 minutes and 4.7 seconds. And since the respiration rate and the hasty rate are connected, my heart rate slowed down to normal also.  That didn't stop the sweating and the Excitement though. 

"The physician and the technician have arrived." Grey Tele-messaged to me, breaking my concentration.

1.4 seconds of silence. I could then feel the chair I was laying on adjust to 3 centimeters higher.

"Don't be worried, all chairs are being lifted. They are just adjusting it to their size and your size."

But I wasn't worried. The only thing I had to worry about was nothing. This was a good thing. It meant the Recognition ceremony was about to begin. It meant that I was closer to being recognized.

You have been connected with the Conservator.

I saluted and then put my hand back on the arm rest of the chair.

"Hello, my Youths. As all of you know, I am the Conservator. Today is Recognition day. The day you all get recognized and become apart of society. Today is also the day your sight and hearing is activated.  I could go into detail on the Recognition ceremony, but I'm sure you already know the information. Instead, I am here to guide you step by step on what will happen. First, we will activate your sight and hearing. After that, your chair number will be called and your new profile-which does not have everything on it- will pop up on the screen. And lastly, you will escorted to the Surgical room where the physician and technician will work together to insert the Personality Chip into your brain. Any questions?"

I shook my head. No questions came to mind.

"Alright. Then let the Recognition process begin!"


Question #2: if you were a Youth and you were about to go through the Recognition process, what Emotions would you be 'feeling'?  What about your thoughts?

And as always, questions and comments are welcome!

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