Chapter 3

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"With the click of Holo-button under your profile, you will be able to hear and see.  I will go in order by chairs, so starting with number one, then two, and so on.  I know you all know how to count.  I will signal when it is your turn, so you will not be startled and unprepared." The Conservator explained.

I began to 'feel' Annoyance again.  I was number thirty three, that was far from one. But I would be patient, and I would wait. And I did. I waited for exactly 30 minutes and 6.8 seconds. And then it was my turn.

"Are you ready?" The Conservator asked. I nodded eagerly. I was ready, I was born ready.

And then suddenly, the darkness dissapeared and a slight noise filled my ears. I could not identify the noise though.


Ringing. That's what I was hearing. But then the ringing stopped. And it was replaced by other noises. There was so much around me, it was almost overwhelming. But I could handle it. Everything was beautiful. I immedietly could pinpoint what object was what, and what color it was. I looked down at the chair I was sitting in.


I looked all around me, and nearly everything I saw was white. Except for the moving beings in the chair... Which I could guess were Youths. I turned to...


Her hair was...


Her eyes were...


"Every color and object you see and identify gets downloaded into your Memory chip, so you will never forget what they are and what they are called." Grey informed me.

Looking around me, I could identify colors, shapes, objects, and sounds. It was everything I thought it would be. No, it was more than I thought it would be. It was beautiful. There was a...


in the center of the room, people were everywhere, for every youth there was a guide, technician, and physician.  I looked down at my hands, which were a...

Pale skin

color.  I nealy giggled when the thought of how abnormal hands looked.  The floor was...


and also white.  Nearly everything in the room was white.  A thought came to me. If I could hear, certainly I was allowed to talk.   Am I allowed to speak?  I wished I could have asked Grey, but then that would be my first worlds, my first question. And I already had a word in mind I wanted to first speak: happiness.  I figured that if the other 32 youths around me-the ones who had just gotten their speech and hearing-that then I was able to talk also.

But they were no help, they were mute.  So I stayed silent.  It felt odd, like holding in my breath.  My breathing also had a noise, it was soft, nearly inaudible, but if you listened really closely, you could hear my inhaling and exhaling.  I found that interesting, and I started to wonder if everything had a sound.  

There are two types of sound: Sound audible to the human ear, and sound inaudible to the human ears.  Sound is the vibration of an object, and everything vibrates at all times.  The faster it vibrates, the louder the sound.  ((Sorry guys, I probably got that fact wrong.  If you know the real answers, plz comment.  I need all the scientific help I can get, and the internet isn't helping.))

I wondered how I could've never asked that before.  After 1 hour and 37.7 minutes, the screen which blurred and showed a face.  


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