Chapter 8 (Test)

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((This chapter will be a test, I want to see what it would be like from a Viruses POV, so I'm switching the POV from Laila to a Virus in this chapter. Hope you guys like it! Comment feedback please.))


((381's POV))

#381, that was my name. It wasn't even a name, it was more of a number, but everyone called me 381. My whole life I had never left The Building-that is what us Viruses called it. Every day, I'd watch as people in white long coats and masks come in with their clip boards and machines, and everyday me and the other Viruses would be tested on by these people. We all had our assigned White Coats, Testing Bed, and machines.  I always heard snippets of the White Coats conversations, something about a chip, brains, incompatibility, and Viruses.  Thats what we were called I guess, Viruses.  We were people who's brains didn't..  corporate-I guess is the "right word"-with the Chip.  The White Coats-or Technicians and Physicians as they called themselves-told us what the chip was supposed to do.  Bring us answers to all our questions, teach us things we need to know, and other stuff.  To be honest, I didn't care if I had a stupid chip implanted in my brain to make me "complete" or not, I just wanted out.  Out of The Building, out into the New World, the world that supposedly existed beyond the walls of and far away from The Building.  We had heard so many things about the New World, but we were never allowed to see it, not until our brains and the chip would work together.  Which seemed impossible.  All my life I had been locked up inside The Building, the only other human contact was with the White Coats, and the other 1,500 Viruses with me.  

Although my life was utterly boring and drab, I never, not even once, wished to be one of the brainwashed official citizens.  They didn't get to choose who they were, they were assigned a name, assigned a job, assigned a personality.  Come on, they didn't even get to choose their own likes and dislikes.  Plus, who wants to be blind and def for 16 years of your life?  Not me, that's for sure.  So to me, even though I longed for freedom and escape, I liked being a Virus way more than being a citizen.  Yeah, sure, I was locked up in a dark metal building, seen only the same people all my life, never got access to the answers that apparently came with a chip, but at least I was me, and not someone I was assigned to be.  That chip was a curse, and only us Viruses could see it.


"381, I want my pen back." #256 complained, leaning against the doorway.

Oh great, here comes Little Miss Complainer.

Through the flickering light, I could see the clock and what time it was: 11:30 PM.  Meaning the White Coats were all gone back home by now, and most of us Viruses should've been asleep.  I looked up at 256, and glared at her.  256 was a girl three years younger than me, short, red headed, brown eyed, and a big complainer.  She complained about everything, the food, the treatment, the rooms, etc.  If those White Coats ever got those chips to work and 256 ever got assigned a Profile Page, her personality would be: Whiny, or Annoying.  I had borrowed 256's pen to draw on a piece of paper because I was bored, like always.  Paper and pens was what kept me entertained in The Building, when all else fails, grab a pen, a paper, and something-or someone, and start drawing your hand off.  At least, that's what I did.  Though sometimes it was hard for me to find a pen, since they were so rare, and so few people-like 256-wanted to share.

"Are you going to use it for something?" I asked her.  She sighed and crossed her arms.

"No, but it's mine and I want it back!" she stomped into the room and took the pen out of my hands.  She took the cap and placed it back on the pen.

"Hey!  I was using that!" 

"Well it's my pen, and you can't just take it!  What are you even doing with it anyways?" 256 snarled and leaned over my paper, glancing at my drawing.  I quickly flipped it over, hoping to hide it from her.  But it was too late, she had already seen my drawing. 

"Who's that supposed to be?" she asked, and took a seat next to me.  

I sighed and flipped my paper back over, so the drawing of the large eye was on the front.  I shrugged.  It took me about two hours to draw it like that, and a lot of paper.  Three pieces, front and back.  Which was a bad thing because paper was also very scarce.  People used their brains all the time, there was no need for writing utensils or paper.  But since us Viruses didn't have the chip, we got the paper and pens no one else wanted.  

"No one, I just...  I drew it.  I pictured this persons eye in my head, and I drew it.  I really don't know who it's supposed to be." I answered her.

256 smiled, and I prepared for her stupid response that I knew was coming.  256's words were always annoying and stupid and pointless, which is why I tried to avoid conversations with her as much as possible.  Sadly, that was too hard to do.  256 stuck to me like glue, she always came to me to complain, no matter how many times I told her to get lost.

"Well I'm going to name her Penny, like the pen that is mine, and she's a beautiful citizen of the New World who has perfect blond hair.  How's that?" 256 asked me.  

I rolled my eyes.  

"Can I have the pen back, please?  I want to continue drawing." I asked 256.

"Shouldn't you be in bed by now?" 256 asked.

As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, my flickering light went off.  It went completely dark, and 256 screamed.  Oh great...  I thought to myself.  And then I heard faint footsteps.  

"381, what's going on?" 256 whispered, grabbing my arm too tightly.  I shook her hand loose from my arm.

"Someone's here," 


Hello readers, welcome to the inside world of the Viruses!  I'm sorry I didn't go into much depth on their life style, but the more we see of 381, I think we will see more of the Viruses life style as well.  

What do you guys think of 381 and 256?  I personally like 'em both.  Though 256 is an annoying little brat, she makes me laugh.

I also apologize for the lack of action and the boringness and confusion of this chapter.  

And the artwork is not mine, I take no credit for that beautiful drawing of the eye.

Question #9: Based on the information of Viruses and New World citizens, which would you rather be, and why?

Finally, I thought of a good question!

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