Chapter 5

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((I had some complaints about the whole 'white everything' thing. I know, I hate the whole 'everything is white' thing, but it actually goes with the Conservator and her story. It plays a role. Anyways, happy reading!))


I got off the Hover machine, and walked towards the big, white, doors.  I stopped where there were two feet pads glowing yellow.  I learned back in the room when I was a Youth, that in order to get into Headquarters, you would have to stand on the two feet pads and wait for the camera to identify you.  This was because Headquarters was only for specific people, only a few designated people got to enter Headquarters.  And I, I was one of them.  The camera light turned on, and I stood straight, my head held high, my feet shoulder length apart and my arms out.  This was so the camera could scan all of your body, so it wouldn't make a mistake on your identity.  The camera shot out a blue light, and scanned me, and it didn't tingle, or feel strange.  The light on the yellow floor pads flashed green for 'Accepted', and the doors opened.  I was Shocked on how white everything was.  Everything in the Headquarter building was white.  White walls, white floors, white lights, white chairs, white tables, anything you would find in a regular building, but white.  I felt a bit odd in my black, shiny, skin-tight, zipper-up jump-suit and black knee length boots.  Suddenly, a voice boomed inside my head, and I immedietly identified it as the Conservator.

"Welcome Laila, to the Headquarters, you new home-as well as my old home.  Please, follow the glowing foot prints to my office, I would like to meet my new room mate as soon as possible, please."

Glowing blue foot pads appeared on the floor, leaving a trail.  As told, I followed them.  I took many twists and turns until I was met with an...


I pressed the 'Up' button and the doors opened.  I walked into the elevator and the doors closed behind me.  I turned and saw the 'Office Button'.  I pressed it, and the elevator went up, fast.  3 floors per second.  I stumbled back and fell against the wall for support.  In 1 minute and 41.3 seconds, the elevator stopped and I nearly fell over.  My breathing was heavy as the doors opened, and a voice spoke: "Office,".

  My legs, which wobbled and shook, took slow steps.  The office, which was the top floor, was the only room that wasn't all white.  Instead, the floor, walls, and ceiling, were made of glass, letting me see the floor below me, and the New World through the walls.  It was a sight I was Astounded by.  The houses and buildings looked so small, they looked about the size of my finger from up there.  I started to walk towards the wall, when I remembered I came up to meet the Conservator, and not stare out at the New World below me.  I followed the footprints to one side of the office, where the floor was made of black glass, and a light blue holograph screen rested above the floor.  A large screen showing different views of different places in the New World, I recognized all of them.  There was a large white chair, which was turned facing away from me.  Suddenly, the chair turned around and I was face to face with the Conservator.  She sat up straight and had her hands folded in her lap.  She was smiling in a happy comforting way.

"Hello, Laila.  It is ver nice to meet you." the Conservator spoke, in a calm voice.

I saluted, and she laughed.

"Oh Laila, there is no need to salute at me." she told me.

Confusion was all I felt. I had been taught to always salute when meeting with the Conservator. Everyone was supposed to do it, it was... just natural. So why was I any different? Why should I not salute?

"Why is there no need for me to salute. I do not understand what you mean by that. I learned that I should always salute." I asked her, trying to think of an answer. My chip couldn't even find an answer.

Answer not available. Try again later.

My chip always had an answer. There was always an answer to everything.

"You don't need to salute Laila, I am hoping you won't because I want us to become really close friends. Someone I can trust and talk to, someone to be there for me." the Conservator explained.

"But, isn't everyone someone you can trust and talk to? Why me? Is there something wrong with everyone else?"

Again, Confusion filled me. The people of the New World were good people, in fact, there had never been a bad person in the New World. It wasn't possible. Because with bad people, came mistakes. And mistakes were bad, mistakes were considered the worst thing to happen in the New World.

"Well, yes, but I'm not that close with them, in an emotional way that is. But with you, I can become emotionally close with someone. We can be-" the Conservator stopped talking and stared at me.

It was silent. I waited for her to finish her sentence, but she didn't. I didn't want to interrupt her in case she started talking again, so I waited.

"Best friends." she finished, smiling.

Best friend? What is that?

Best Friend: A favorite friend, closest friend

I processed that information, and thought about it. When I fully understood it, I 'oohed'.

"Now, Laila, you should get to your new room. As much as I would love to take you there, I have to check back in on the new citizens. Please follow the glowing foot prints to your room. I will meet you there in 14 minutes and 45.2 seconds."

I nodded and the glowing foot prints popped up again. I followed them to the Elevator, pressed the down button. The doors opened and I walked inside. As the doors closed, I smiled.

This is it. My new life.


((I know this is far away, but I thought it would be cool to do something special for the 800 or possibly 1000 reader! I didn't think this story would get so far, I thought it would get up to maybe 100 reads and thats it. But now it has 145 readers, and sometimes has a rank in Sci-Fi. It would be super cool if it got down to the top ten or possibly top 100s, but that's just crazy wishing. It can't happen, thats for all the really good (And I mean REALLY REALLY) good stories are at. Anways, comment ideas below! Speaking of readers, I know I've asked this before, but can you readers comment down below? I really REALLY want to know who's read this to give thanks. As always, I love taking in suggestions and comments! They make my day.

Question #6: What do you guys think of the Conservator? I know she didn't have much, but I like her. I'm running out of good questions.))

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