Chapter 18

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((Ugh, my photos are getting weirder and weirder XD))

((381's POV))

I followed close behind 256, Timberland, and Laila, observing the area around me more than them.  As Timberland guided us, he would just point and give a brief explanation and description of what he was pointing to.  I wanted a bit more detail, after all, this place was totally new to me.  But Timberland wasn't aware at that since he continued on with the tour, speeding by each and every important thing.

It seemed to be the way he did things: fast and speedy. He never really took the time to do anything or see anything, he just goes goes goes. Just like how he bounced back real quick, too quick, after 256 slapped him.  He didn't shout, slap or anything really, he just kept on going. Now if 256 slapped me, I would've slapped her back, ten times harder, and would've been shouting at her for three at a straight.

Thankfully, though, she didn't slap me.

As I walked, I couldn't help but wonder who that 'Laila' girl was. She wasn't a Virus, she would've had a number for a name, but she wasn't a New Worlder either, she was being given the tour too. So, then, what was she?

As far as I knew, there were only three types of people: Viruses-which Laila was not, New Worlders-which Laila also was not, and Citizens. But there was no way a Citizen was in the Old World. Why even leave the new World if it was as perfect as everyone claimed? No. She couldn't possibly be a Citizen. If I didn't even know about the Old World, then neither did they. Right?  So then...  what was she?

I sighed and put my questions aside. I decided to pay attention to the actual tour, even though it was quite the rushed tour.


By the end of the tour, I learned a total of maybe 13 things, and had forgotten all the rest.  Timberland spoke too fast and gave very little detail for me to try and remember anything.  Timberland turned to Laila, 256, and I, still smiling.  Doesn't his mouth hurt from smiling for so long?  

"So, that's the Old World!  Whatd'ya think?" he asked us.

I shrugged, unsure what to say about it.  "It's...  interesting.  Very big I guess." I answered simply.  

"It's very dirty," was the only thing 256 said about it.  She looked bored and unamused.  I knew she couldn't wait until the week was over so she could just get back to the Lab.  Back to trying to be a Citizen for the rest of her life.  

"Well, we are in the forest...  in a building that has been around for who knows how long." 

Laila, once again, looked shocked.  It seemed to be one of the only expressions she had, besides confusion and fear.

"You don't know how old this building is?" she asked Timberland. 

Timberland laughed at her question and ruffled her hair.  She looked up at him with an expression that screamed: what was that and why did you do it?  Her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth hung open slightly.

"Well, all we know is that it's one of the few remaining places from the Old World, and we stopped keeping track of the years since the Old World was destroyed." Timberland explained with a shrug.  

Laila fixed her hair, once, twice, three times until not a hair was out of place.  I found that a bit odd.  

"Destroyed?  What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"Yeah, what exactly happened to the Old World anyways?" I asked, crossing my arms.

256's head perked up.  Now this was a subject that interested her, she was just as curious as I was about this.  Timberland though, looked like he was in no hurry to answer this question.  He sighed and bit his lip.  He put his hand on the back of his head and looked to the left of him.

"Well...  that's a question that Reggie should answer.  It's not really my place to answer." he explained.

I took a step forward and Timberland looked back at me.  Before I could respond to him, 256 cut me off and beat me to it.  She pushed me aside and crossed her arms.

"It's not your place to answer?  What does that mean?" she asked him.  

"Yeah," I added, wanting to pressure him into answering our question.

"Look, it's a long story that I don't really know all about.  And, it's not the most...  happy story." he said, looking at Laila, his smile dropping.  

Laila frowned as well, unsure what else to say I suppose.  I could practically see her trying to figure out what he meant, trying to put together his puzzle.  256 huffed annoyed and scowled.

"Of course, just another thing you guys can't tell us." I mumbled under my breath.

Just then, a girl ran up to us and grabbed Timberland's shoulder.  Grace.  Her expression was the exact same as it was when I had last time seen her: annoyed, frustrated, angry.  Unlike her brother, she didn't seem much like a happy person.  Which, was a bit strange since her brother was Timberland, a guy who for some reason couldn't stop smiling.  

"There you are!  I've been looking all over for you!  What have you been doing this whole time?" she asked him, spinning him around to face her.

He looked down at her, and the frown he wore a second ago morphed back into his normal smile.  He pointed over his shoulder back at us, and said:

"Giving these newbies a Timberland tour,"

Grace raised her eyebrow, looking strangely at her brother.  "Timberland tour...?  Oh never mind, I don't want to know.  Look, Reggie and Elana need to talk to you, now." 

"Now?  As in...  right now?" Timberland asked.

Grace groaned and put her head in her hand and closed her eyes.  "Yes, you dimwit, now." 

Timberland sighed and turned back to us.  "Alright guys, I gotta go, I'll see you around, okay?" he waved goodbye as Grace pulled him away by his wrist.  

When they faded into view, it left just me, 256, and Laila.  All three of us, awkwardly standing around, not sure what to say or do.  Laila stared at a wall, and I suddenly couldn't help myself.  I had to ask her.  I couldn't stand now knowing what she was.  

"Alright, what are you?" I asked.

"What am I?  What do you mean?" she asked.

"Like...  Well, I know you're not a Virus, for one thing, you're name isn't a number, and I would've seen you around before.  And I know you're not from around here, in the Old World, because well, you needed a tour just like me and 256 needed one.  If you were from here, you wouldn't have needed the tour.  So what exactly are you?" I explained, going into more depth with my question.

"Oh," she spoke calmly, "I'm a Citizen," she said smiling as widely as Timberland.


((Sorry it took such a long time to update!  Writers block sucks XP

I'm already at Chapter 18, wow, that's like...  really close to 20 chapters!  That's really long!  Well...  for me that is XD

Annnnnyyyywaaaaayyyysssss~  Onto the question!

Question #19: Why does this building still stand, and what do you think is it's story and importance?

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