Chapter 13

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((Chapter unlucky 13!!!  BTW: This chapter is unedited so sorry if it sucks.  It's another low quality chapter.

381's POV))

I woke up, everything was in pain.  My vision focused and the world stopped spinning.  I didn't want to get up-no wait-I couldn't get up.  It was physically impossible at the moment.  I couldn't feel my limbs, and I felt like I was glued to the table.  Unable to move, unable to sit up and look around.  The room was slightly lit, and it smelled...  like something I couldn't place.  But it smelled bad.  A man walked in, carrying a first aid kit along with a backpack.  He took a seat and faced me, smiling at me.  The events of the break in came back to me.  The black out, the girl-Grace, the boy-Timberland, the needle gun, and then blackness.  I wanted to dart up and search for 256, but I still couldn't get up. 

"Hello, how are you feeling?" the man asked me, and I glared at him.

"Who are you?  Where am I?  Why can't I move?" I asked him.

The man laughed and opened his brief case and started pulling things out, one of the items I noticed, was a needle gun, but with a pink liquid inside it.  I felt a surge of fear rush through me, knowing what the needle guns can go.

"Well I see you've jumped straight to the important questions.  Well then, I guess it's best that I answer them.  I am Chris Dorintine, and I'm the closest thing you've got to a doctor in this place.  And by 'this place' I mean the rest of the Old World.  And as for why you can't move, that's just one of the effects of our Night-Night serum, give it a few minutes you should be able to move again." Chris explained, rummaging through his stuff.

"Wait...  The Old World?  What's the Old World?" I asked.

I had never heard of an Old World, yes I knew of the New World, but never an Old World.  And the gears in my mind started to run.  New World probably has to come from an Old World...  But why have I never heard of it before?  The only world that the physicians and the technicians talked about was the fantastic perfect New World.  

"Ah, you don't know about the Old World?  It's the world that came before the New World.  It existed a million years ago."  

A world before the New World...  

"What happened to it?" I asked.

There was a minute of silence as Chris froze up and frowned.   He shook his head, and smiled up at me as if I didn't ask the question.

"That's a question to be answered later...  Now, tell me, do you have a name?" Chris asked, picking up the needle gun.

"What's that going to do to me?" I asked, avoiding his question.  Chris pointed to the needle gun.

"This?  It's just a vaccine.  Out here in the forest, diseases are everywhere.  It's to keep you from getting sick...  Well, it's supposed to, it's not 100% effective yet, but it should work fairly well." Chris explained, and then out of no where, injected it into my arm, without my permission or any warning.

"Ow!" I yelped, and then sat up immedietly.  Well, I guess the Night-Night serum wearied off...  I was relieved to be able to move again, I hated the feeling of sitting still and not being able to move.  I went to rub my arm when Chris slapped my hand away.

"Nah-ah-ah boy!" he said, and pulled out a cotton ball and a bottle of liquid.  

He opened the bottle and place the cotton ball on top.  He tilted the bottle over, and I watched as the blue liquid spilled onto the cotton ball.  Chris put the bottle down and started dabbing the place where I was shot.  And it stung, it stung real bad.

"Hey!" I hissed and pulled away.  I glared at Chris, I didn't know to much about him and didn't trust him at all.  

Chris threw the cotton ball into a basket and put the cap back on the bottle.  He placed the needle gun and the bottle back into his case and locked it up.  He turned back to me, a stern look in his eyes.

"Don't touch your arm, you could end up infected, and with the conditions out here, you could die.  It's happened plenty of times." Chris explained, and opened the first aid kit.  He pulled out a tan thing, and ripped off the thin papers off of the backside, and then stuck it on my arm.

"There.  Now don't take that off for about twenty minutes.  It's a band-aid, it protects your 'wound' from infections until it closes up.  And it'll hurt when you take it off since it sticks to your skin." Chris said, packing up his first aid kit.

Chris got up and took his suit case and first aid kit with him, and he walked towards the open door.  He stopped in the doorway and turned to me.

"Now, when you're ready, you can meet up with the others in the empty space by the broken fountain." Chris said, and he left without even saying goodbye.

Confused, I sat on the bench I was on and tried to piece together all the events and questions in my mind.  Did I want to leave the room?  I didn't even know where I was, and I still didn't trust Chris.  For all I knew, he could've injected me with poison or something.  And the fact that he didn't answer my question about the Old World made him even more suspicious.  Sighing, I swung myself off the bed and walked to the door way, and hesitantly stepped out of the room.

((Hello readers, I just want to say THANK YOU FOR 2K READS!!!  This chapter was written earlier for the celebration, how ironic was it that it was unlucky #13 huh?  I just want to let you guys know that without you, I would never have ever continued this story.  I'd probably stop writing at chapter 1 or 2 if it wasn't for you guys.  Like seriously, you guys are the real wonders of this story.  It's not the writing that makes this book great, it's who's reading it that makes this book so wonderful.  You guys are the support system of this book, and I love you all!  You guys keep me writing with all your reads and comments and votes!

Question #14:  Who do you think are these people?  Why are they not in the New World with the others?  What do you think happened to the Old World?

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