Chapter 9

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((Haha you all have to suffer from this loading sign...  I'm already suffering from it...  Evil loading signs...  I hate those things.))


((381's POV))

Besides 256's heavy panicked breathing, the only noises were the footsteps, getting louder and louder.  256 grabbed my arm again, and we waited in the dark, not saying a single thing.  A light came from out of the darkness, blinding me.  I could barely see the figure in the darkness with the light shining right in my eyes.  The figure came closer, so did the light.  The light was then moved, and it lit up the room.  The figure was a man, with hair that spiked up, and behind him was a woman.  The man waved at me and 256.

"You guys want to get out of here, right?" he asked, his voice was deep.

256 was silent for once, as she shook out of fear next to me.  I stared at the two figures, trying to get a better look at them.  The girl walked up and stood next to the man, she was shorter than he was, by a lot, and he was a lot buffer than she was.  She stood with her arms crossed and he stood with his hands on his hips.  

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to sound brave.  But even I knew that was pathetic, my voice kept cracking and it only came out as a murmur.  That was pathetic 381, really pathetic.  I scolded myself.

"You didn't answer the question," the man told me.

The girl hit him on his arm, and the man flinched a bit and rubbed the area where she hit him.

"Ow!  Seriously Grace?  What was that for?" he hissed.  I glanced at the girl, who must've been Grace.

"You idiot," she growled, and walked towards us.

"We're going to get you out of here.  Now sit still." she said, and she pulled out what looked like a gun, but had a needle instead of a bullet hole.  

"No!  I don't want to go!  Stay away from me!" 256 screamed and knocked the needle gun out of Graces hands, and then kicked Grace, who stumbled backwards.  I gaped at 256, I had never seen her hit someone before, the only aggression she ever showed was with her blabbering.  But soon enough, 256 went back to shaking.  

Panting, Grace turned to the man.  

"Timberland, hold them down." she ordered.  

I became ready to attack.  I would've ran, but there was no way I could've gotten past both of them, especially not the man, who I guessed was Timberland.  Timberland sighed, and turned to me.

"Look guys, I'm really sorry about this.  But, this is what's best for you.  We're freeing you an-"

"Timberland, now!" Grace cut Timberland's rambling off as she dove for her needle gun.  

Timberland walked up to us, and held 256 down.

"Hey let her go!" I shouted, and tried to attack him.   Just because 256 was an annoying complainer didn't mean I wasn't going to protect the little brat.  I threw punches and kicks, until I heard 256 scream:

"381, L-" and Timberland then covered her mouth.  I went to turn around, when I felt a sharp pain in my back.  I felt woozy, and then passed out.


((Laila's POV))

As I followed the GPS, I took notice of how the emotion Nervousness was starting to dominate all my other emotions.  It made my hands sweat, and my heart race.  I didn't like the feeling of Nervousness.  I preferred Happiness over Nervousness, Nervousness was a horrible feeling.  

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