Arguments, Pish-Posh, and Epic Comebacks

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Arguments, Pish-Posh, and Epic Comebacks

"Will! Hey, Will! Wait up man!"

Gordon chased Will down the hallway until he finally caught up to him.

"What are you doing here?" Will snarled.

"Uhhh, well, first of all, I have English with you this period. Second of all, I wanted to apologize for what Emma said."

"What Emma said? What about all of that stuff that you said, huh?!"

"Okay fine, I'm sorry." Gordon said insincerely.

"Oh, pish-posh! You don't mean that!"

"Pish-posh? What the hell is pish-posh?

"It means 'Shut up, you stupid-face!'" Will was getting angry.

"Shut up you stupid-face?" Gordon questioned. "Dude, your comebacks seriously getting lamer by the minute!"

"Well you know what? You can go burn in Hell! I don't want to be your goddamned friend anymore, okay you son of a bitch? Why don't you just charm your ugly face out of here before I shove it up your sorry ass?"

"Whoa." Gordon said in shock. "That was brilliant! You just scared me shitless! I would listen to that, but I still have English here this period."

"Oh, yeah. Damn."

Will walked away in anger.

"So, how did it go?" Emma emerged from around the corner.

"Bad. He shut me out. There's no way he's gonna forgive you."

Emma sighed and walked away without a word.

"Where are you going?" Gordon yelled.


"It's only 6th period!"

"Oh well."

Emma walked down the hallway not even turning around to glance.

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