y e o l - h a n a

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I turned my head and scanned the surroundings outside of the van. So far, I've been seeing lots of plants and bodies of water. It looks very relaxing and peaceful.

My stomach growled for the fourth time. This time, everyone heard it.

Why didn't we eat at my hotel anyways? Oh never mind, their fans will distinguish them right away..

Jimin turned around and took off the circular sunglasses that he was wearing. Probably from Rapmon oppa.

"Hey, are you really hungry?" Jimin asked. Is he playing dumb or is just plain dumb? Ofcourse I'm hungry!

I squinted my eyes. "OFCOURSE I'M HUNGRY! ISN'T IT OBVIOUS?!" I snapped.

His eyes widened, I heard the other boys face towards our direction.

"Woah, chill." Jimin said while putting his glasses back on coolly.

I raised an eyebrow indicating them that I'm about to snap.

"Dead meat.." I heard Taehyung whisper.

"Chill? Me chill? I think you should tell that your jams." I said. "Wait no, you have no jams." I added with a mocking tone.

"BURNNN!!" Bangtan shouted.

I smiled coyly at Jimin whose ears and nose are red as a result of my burn.


The driver faked a cough making us face the driver. He turned his head back to us.

"We're here." the driver clicked a button that makes the back door open. He then opens his door.

"Go down and get your stuff." Namjoon oppa said. We obeyed him and one by one, we left the van.

I scanned the surroundings. It's pretty quiet and peaceful like I said earlier in my little 'monologue.' I suppose that this is a restaurant? We could've ate in my restaurant. Nope, wrong move. If we ate there, people will surely notice the boys.

I felt a cold hand on my unclothed shoulder since I'm wearing a yellow sleeveless top. I turned around only to see Jimin. "Let's go eat." he said firmly.

"Yeah, let's go." I said and he lets go of my shoulder and walks ahead of me. I follow him and the boys until we reached the restaurant. I looked around the restaurant. It has a theme of nature and lots of hanging lights like the ones you see on Tumblr. I wondered, why is no one eating here?

A gray-haired lady approached us holding the menu. I saw the boys' faces light up when they saw the gray-haired lady.

"Halmoni!/Grandma!" the boys together with Irene said and ran to the gray-haired lady. I saw them hug and greet their grandma one by one. I looked at Yeri and gave her a confused expression.

"Well, this is awkward.. We don't even know her." Yeri whispered.

I guess they noticed that we were feeling a little out-of-place so Namjoon oppa was kind enough to lure both of us closer to their halmonim/someone else's grandma.

Their halmonim/someone else's grandma, smiled at me and Yeri. As a sign of respect, we greeted her politely. "Oh, what's your name?" halmonim asked Yeri.

"Umm.. My name is Yeri, Kwon Yeri. The sister of my Jiyong oppa." Yeri gladly introduced herself. And because of that, we hear Jungkook gasp.

"Wae?/Why? did I say something wrong?" Yeri asked Jungkook who is looking like a statue with his mouth wide open.

"Y-Your GD sunbaenim's sister?" Jungkook asked with his eyes bulging out.

"Yeah, why?" Yeri asked innocently.

Secretly Admiring Mister Park [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now