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"I can't believe we have to go on this dumb trip." Stiles moaned. He looked at the parents consent form in front of him in disgust.

Jade rolled her eyes knowing Stiles couldn't see her as She walked beside him, seeing as his eyes where too focuses on the scrunched up paper in his hands.

If it wasn't for Coach's threats to put him into detention for the rest of the semester, the battered paper would have been in the trash long ago.

However, for once in Jade's miserable life she actually agreed with him. Since when was Coach allowed to set up a trip that made us get up at five in the morning so we could go hike up a mountain? Gym was supposed to be a flunk subject, but Coach obviously had different plans.

What was even worst about the whole situation was that the whole of their home room was going.

Stiles and Jade's homeroom was created for the academically advanced students of the whole year group. It varied from sharp witted mathematician to incredible athletes.

The only person that didn't quite fit into the class of the over achieving, was Scott McCall, he was the best friend of the two. He was on the lacrosse team, but he was always benched and he was failing every single lesson. The latino's report cards ranged from Ds and Fs, maybe if he was lucky he'd get an occasional C, but that was it. Jade always thought it was his insanely adorable puppy dog face that was keeping him in the class.  Who could resist  this pretty brown eyes?

"Don't you think I would just love to wake up at 5 am to go hiking with Greenberg?" Stiles continued to complain.

"I'm sure that would me delightful." Jade replied, rubbing his shoulder.

" I'm surprise you haven't complained, yet"

"Why would I complain, we're missing a day of school?" She turns back to look at him, Stiles was enlightened by the idea of missing school, he'd do anything to get away from Mr. Harris and his creatively disturbing remarks.

They both took their seats on the lunch table, which was full of jocks. It was quiet ironic since they both couldn't stand any of them but, the lacrosse team took quiet a liking to Allison , who seemed to have a closer than platonic relationship to Scott, she was also the best friend of Lydia Martin. Her boyfriend was Jackson Whittemore, the team captain, which was why there were so many jocks.

Jade had Lydia , her only female best friend and Stiles sat with the jocks because it was the only way he could be closed to Lydia without looking like a stalker.

The brunette sat down in between Danny and Stiles, others would also put the Hawaiian in the 'Jock' category but he was way too nice to Jade, compare to his friends.

"So, Jade you're going on the trip, right?" Allison asked from across the table. Everyone was having their own conversation.

"I don't exactly have a choice" Jade shrug, before everyone's attention was focused on Lydia pipping into their conversation.

Lydia was the queen of the school, she was the prettiest and the smartest out of everyone. It was very hard to be her best friend for as long as Jade has been, but they've been through everything together.

Lydia knew all Jade's secrets from the adoption to having no living relatives at all, unless you wanted to count her comatose uncle.

They had been the best of friends since the age of 4, as soon as the two green eyed girls got to high school they found new friends. Jade found Scott and Stiles, Lydia found the cheer team. The bond they had never broke.

Since Lydia was never the one to be witty or aggressively sarcastic like Jade, a lot of people took a liking to her and being in a relationship with Jackson Whittemore boosted her social status, making her a goddess to practically everyone including the teachers of the school.

"I do" she smiled evilly at jade, knowing that the brunette wouldn't prefer not having to do anything that early in the morning.

"What, how?"

"I have a leg injury"

"You fell out of the sand pit when we were 4, Lydia" Jade smile remembering that the only reason she fell out of the sand pit was because she just so happened to have pushed her.

"Thanks to someone I  broke my leg and it hasn't fully healed, yet" she spoke, before narrowing her eyes at her best friend, who just shrugged at continuing to eat the food that Lydia had left untouched.

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