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"When are you going to move?" I repeated.

There is no way that I am sleeping in the same bed as the boy that I've known for years, but somehow only had an actual conversation with 30 minutes ago.

"Why would I move?" He inquired.

"I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you." I stated and he rolled his eyes.

"Well I'm not moving so if you have a problem you can sleep on the floor." He retorted, gosh this boy is really full of himself.

I raised my eyes at him, he looked right back at me with a small smirk, before I started  walking to the cupboard.

I reach up and grab a spare sheet from the top shelf. I then snatch a pillow from my side and dropped it on the floor.

"You're joking right?" He asks and I spin around to look at him. "No. You said if I have a problem to sleep on the floor." I casually reply.

He looked at me in astonishment as I lie down on the hard carpet, lying my head on the pillow and pulling the thin blanket over my body.

"Lights out everybody! I'm not missing that hike because one of you punks oversleep!" Coach bellows from the hall. I was twisting around obviously trying to find a comfortable position.

Jackson sighed "Jade look just please come up and sleep on the bed." He murmurs and I turn around on the ground so I'm lying on my side and facing him.

"We can put a barrier of pillows if you want?" He suggests and I narrow my eyes. Thinking about his proposal.

"Promise you won't try anything?" I ask. "I promise." He replies.

I nod and getting up off the floor, putting my pillow back on my side.

I hesitantly get on the bed and pull the covers over me. Jackson watches me grab the two spare pillows and put them in between the two of us.

"Well night I guess." She says before turning so my back was facing him and falling silent.

"Night." Jackson grumbled before shutting the lamp off causing the room to fall into total darkness.

I laid wide awake on my side. The only sound I could hear was Jackson's steady breathing.

No matter what I did couldn't fall asleep, it was too cold for me to sleep. This was due to the fact that I spent a good 10 minutes outside in the pouring rain with a t shirt and the hotel supplied us with no form of air conditioning or heater whatsoever. The only warmth I was receiving was from Jackson's shirt, even the covers didn't do me any justice.

I sighed moving onto my back staring at the ceiling as my eyes became adjusted to the darkness. I was wrapped up like a burrito, yet I felt so cold I probably turned blue.

"Jade" I heard Jackson grumble lowly beside me.


"Stop moving" he mumbled into his pillow. I sigh trying to find a warmer spot on the bed.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"Nothing" I grumbled.

He turned the lights on and looked at me. I attempted not to shiver as much as I was before, but obviously I failed.

He was staring at me with furrowed eyebrows."What?" I ask

"Why are you shivering?"

"I don't know, maybe because it's so fucking cold" I remark, earning an eye roll from him. He rolled his eyes, before switching the lights back off and getting on the bed again.

Instead of laying down, I felt him remove all the pillows that separates us. He finally laid down closer to me that before, my back was pressed against his shirtless chest, causing me to tense up.

"Jackson, what are you doing?" I ask the boy.

"Think of it as a friendly gesture" he replied, snaking his arm around my waist. His face was buried in the crook of my neck.

I don't even do this with Stiles or Scott, I definitely shouldn't be doing this with Jackson.

"Are you sure this is a friendly gesture, I mean we're barely even friends and we're spooning and everyone knows what spooning leads to and I don't exactly want the next thing to happen seeing as this is teen wolf and not teen mom and I'm broke as fuck and can't even look after myself." I rambled.

"Jade, just shut up and go to sleep" He mumbled into my neck causing shiver to erupt into my whole body. The surprising warmth of his body radiated off of him, making me feel no longer cold.

There was a silent moment when all I could hear was his steady breathing and his heart beat once again. I managed to forget the proximity of our bodies as my eye drooped shut from fatigue.

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