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By the time Allison and Lydia reached the girl's changing room, Jade almost finished wearing her lacrosse clothes.

"So, this weekend, there's a party." Lydia announced, sitting on the bench in front of Jade with her Handbag still perched on her arm.

 "A party?" Allison asked from beside her.

"Yeah, Friday night. You should come."

"Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking." Allison stammered. She was lying.

"What about you, Jade?"

"I don't know" She shrugged. Jade slipped her maroon training bib over her grey Nike t-shirt.

"I'll meet you guys after practice"  She spoke leaving the room.

"That's the longest sentence she's said all morning" She heard on of the girls say.

Jade entered the boys changing room, being greeted by the repulsive scent of sweat and deodorant. She stood on her tip toes looking for Scott and Stiles, her lacrosse stick in her hand.

"Winchester" Coach yelled, grabbing her attention. She walked over to him astonished look on her face.

"I'm surprised you came to morning practice." He spoke. Jade was know for never coming to morning practice, seeing as she wasn't exactly a morning person but, today was an exception.

She thought that maybe a little extra time playing lacrosse was going to clear her mind.

"Well, I'm here"

"Right, I want you do something for me" He states

"What is it?"

"Play in goal for today" He said with a smile, hoping to cheer up the mood.

"Are you serious, Why can't Danny?" Jade was growing even more agitated than before she walked into the boy's changing room.

She always played as a striker, never goalie. She hated playing in goal.

"Danny plays in goal all the time" Finstock tried to reason with the girl.

"Well, that's because he is the team's goalie" She deadpanned.

"Look, it's just a one time thing, you won't have to do it again" Coach said not wanting to give up.

Jade huffed before mumbling "Fine"

"Good" He smiled.

She walked past him, grabbing the goal stick in vexation and into the field.

A whistle blows causing Jade to wince. The Lacrosse Team's Assistant Coach gathers the team on the field, Stiles and Scott lagging behind.

Jade jogs over to the only one person that hardly ever got on her bad side and Stiles

"Hey guys" She greets the two boys.

"Tell me why you didn't answer my calls all weekend." Stiles questioned.

"I was expecting a hello but I guess I'll just have to take that" She spoke more focused on putting her arm pads on.

"And I was expecting an answer" The whiskey eye boy answered.

Jade rolled her eyes "I was sick." she lied, fiddling with the lacrosse stick.

If she told the two that she was busy, she was almost certain they were going to interrogate her, well, Stiles at least.

Scott narrowed his eyes at her, but he didn't oppose, neither did Stiles, shockingly.

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