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The feeble moon followed as , the Winchester girl hastened through the trees. The snapping of sticks, caused her to pant harder than she already was. The thought of someone following her caused her nerves to skyrockets.

Jade stopped sprinting, doubling over, in order to catch her breath. Her eyes moved from the the patchy ground to see a house, more like its remainings.

It was a house bought by a woman named Talia Hale. She acquired it in order to protect her children. It was too deep in the woods for anyone in the right mind to find. It was where her children experienced their first full moons, far from the mundanes as possible. More importantly, the hunters, that threatened the mere existence of her and her family. The Argents.

Windows were shattered. The structure was burnt and falling apart. The state of the house just seemed to get worse day by day. Moss and vines germinated on the stale wood facade.

The girl hadn't seen the house in year, but she could only imagine it, after the fire was put out, pieces slowly fell apart just like her sanity.

Without knowing her converse clad feet inched closer to the incinerated mess she had once called her home, as if they had a mind of their own.

Jade couldn't think, her mind was blank. She only focused on the house, everything else seemed blurred.

Witlessly, her feet pounced onto the steps of the creaking old porch. Her feet rapidly clambered to the top in fear of breaking the weak wooden steps.

She was faced with a door. The scent of the potential alpha she had been searching for had seemed to disappear into thin air.

Little did she know each stride she took was leading her closer to watch She'd been looking for weeks. Another wolf.

Jade knew that getting rid of the murderous wolf was important, but realistically all she wanted was to find another wolf in hopes that she would no longer be alone. She hated being alone.

Her breath hitched, shivers were sent down her spine feeling the cold metal door handle against her fingertips.

Slowly she turned it clockwise and the door gladly creaking open, inviting her in.

The lone wolf could barely sea anything inside. The darkness seemed to swallow any sign of life.The interior of the house was covered in dust cobwebs and ash. Everything was dusty and old.

A metal picture frame sat on the furnace, adjacent to a smashed window. The moonlight that shone through allowed Jade to notice the silver picture frame.

Her feet echoed as she ambled towards it.

The framing glistened reflecting that light from the exposed moonlight. The frame accommodated a photo that she recognized too much.

It was the family, Talia Hale, her brother and kids. She had her hair up, a wide smile was fixed on her face as her only son, who was much taller than her, flung an arm over her shoulder. Two identical girls were beside each other jumping in perfect unison, the picture was taken as the two were in midair, The oldest of the woman's children, another girl stood beside her uncle laughing at the two twins.

Jade's fingers traced the frame as she adored it. A smile formed on her lips. Soon enough she was making her way up the creaking stairs, the picture cradled in her arms.

At the top of the staircase was a hallway full of doors. She entered the first room. One she remembered very well. It was her brothers. Entering the room shocked her immensely, it was mutilated beyond recognition. There was a faint smell of burnt rubber. The scent was too vague for a human nose to acknowledge.

If the walls weren't burnt, they were covered in cinder. Jade remembered the walls being dark blue, pictures of famous athletes pasted onto the walls. Her brother was a big fan of basketball. She remembered how he'd always have a basketball rolling around in his room.

The sound of creaking caught her attention, but she carried on to the next room.

"Don't touch that" A voice demanded from behind her, her hand was on its way to the door knob.

"What?" The green eyed girl murmured to herself barely recognizing the voice.

She spun around to find a man. He dressed in dark clothes. His skin was pale and he was dark haired but his eyes where icy green, almost the same as Jade's.

His eyes beamed through hers, its was like he knew her, but Jade didn't know him, or at least she thought.

"Who are you?"

"This is private property you're not supposed to be here" he spoke flashing luminous blue eye, almost like he was marking his territory.

He was a wolf. Jade remembered her brother having the same coloured eyes. It indicated that they have killed an innocent, but she never saw her brother as a bad person.

"Who are you?" She asked

"Leave before I make you" He warned.

"Make me" She encouraged.

Before Jade had anytime to defender herself, there was a growl, she had been thrown to the other side of the hall.

She groaned in pain, as she made contact with the wall, sliding down the wall.

Slowly her finger became claws, her humane canines becoming fangs. Her eyes glared amber as she charged at the turned werewolf.

She mimicked his moves flinging him to the other side, he chuckled coldly before getting up. Jade charged again this time he caught her pinning her to the wall with ease.

"You're strong" he breathed with a smile proudly, his features turning to normal.

"I shouldn't have left" His smile fell as he spoke to himself, seeing the omega struggle to contain herself under his hold.

"What?" The man let her out of his grip after her wolf feature disappeared.

"Who are you"

"I'm Derek"

"Hale?" Her eyebrows furrowed, even though Jade knew it was almost impossible for the guy that stood in front of her to be her brother, she couldn't help herself.

"Yes" The brunette stared in disbelief. There was no way. It was impossible.

"You're not Derek, h-he's dead" She stammered, still out of breath, more from being shocked than the mini fight that had occurred.

"I never died, I left" He admitted, regret dripping from every word he spoke.

"No, Derek would never leave me, he said he never would"

"I'm sorry"

She looked up at him with tearing eyes, shaking her head slowly. Jade turned to the stairs, before being called by her older brother.


"You left me here all by myself with no one after my whole family died in a fire, why would you do that?" She questioned, her voice shaky. Tears falling.

"I'm sorry"

"Just leave me alone" She sniffed walking further away from him, wiping her tears with her hand.

This chapter makes me cringe but oh well. I haven't been on in forever basically I've been having so many exams, I had work experience and I also managed to break 4 fingers in the last month. I also deleted Wattpad because I wanted a break but I'm back now for good (hopefully) and I didn't want to leave 2016 without updating so yahh. Y'all probably didn't even read my authors note but who gives af🤗.


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