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The morning passed in a blur. Jade woke up early and drove to school without Lydia. The young hale wanted to get to school early for try outs, but when she got there, there was no sign of anyone.

It was the day off the full moon. She knew that after she couldn't just lock herself up in the vault till sunrise hoping for minimal damage, she had priorities. She had Scott. She couldn't teach him control, Jade barely knew how to control it herself, but she was going to try keep him down, even if it meant showing her true form.

She laid the box full of balls on its side, 2 meters away from an open net, watching them roll out.

The born wolf engulfed a rubber ball into the net of the lacrosse stick flinging it into the net. Jade did the same thing more than she could count.

Too focus what she was doing, Jade didn't notice the person that stood beside her.


Her head whipped to the direction of the voice.

"Derek" she mocked in a monotone voice, turning back. Her brother stood beside her, hands stuffed into the pockets of his leather jackets.

"It's a full moon tonight"

"I'm very aware, thanks" She replied coldly, the ball once in the net of the lacrosse stick, missing the goal.

"You don't have full control yet, Do you?"

"Did you even see me yesterday? I can't control myself when it's not a full moon" She murmured.

"I can help you with that"

"I'd prefer if you didn't" She shot, missing the goal again.

"I know you're angry at me for leaving, but I'm the only one that can help"

"There's YouTube videos that can help me better than you" She replied, rolling her eyes.

"Have fun with your YouTube videos, then"

"And next time try aiming for the actual goal"

Jade huffed in aggravation as soon as he left. Even though Derek was the only family she had left, she couldn't forgive him that easily. Jade hated that Derek found a way to make her comeback to him. The full moon.

The anger overcame her, she the lacrosse ball missing the net and hitting the post instead. The ball flew past her and there was a groan, she thought Derek had left.

Jade looked back, there was no sign of Derek.

"Jackson?" The green eyed girl gasped dropping the stick and rushing to his side. The ball had hit him.

Jackson was doubled over one hand on his knee the other holding to his nose.

"Are you alright?" She said kneeling down to his height, not knowing whether to laugh or panic.

"Is it bleeding?" He asked, removing his hand. His palm was bloody and so was his nose.

"Yeah, a lot"

"Shit" he mumbled incoherently, his hand making its way back to his face.

"Umm, tilt your head and pinch your nose, I'm taking you to the nurse"

Jade grabbed hold of his hand, leading him to the nurse, seeing as he was looking up.

During the walk, Jackson kept walking into walls and corners, despite being led by Jade, the two were laughing constantly.

"Hey, Jules" Jade greeted walking into the medical room, Jackson right behind.

Jules, was the schools nurse, she wasn't the youngest but she still did a great job at being a nurse.

Jade and Jules got along well, due to their similarities, both being born wolves. Jules was part of a pack made up off members of the beacon hills county. A pack that jade refused to join, because of her hatred towards another pack member.

The older women looked up at the two, she smiled brightly, her features showing hints of confusion.

"Jade and Jackson, what an unexpected couple" She laughed leaning against one of the counters

"Uh we're not a couple" Jackson answered, awkwardly.

"Yeah, he's with Lydia" Jade added.

"Well, this is just awkward" Jules chuckled, arms crossed. Jades cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"And his nose is currently Niagara Falls so, would you mind helping us?" Jade laughed robotically, trying to change the subject.

"Oh sure"

"What seems to be the problem, Mr, Whitmore"

Jackson looked at her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and it was.

"My nose is bleeding" his voice was nasally causing Jade to snort, Jackson glared at her amusingly.

"Okay I'll fix you up, but Jade don't you have lacrosse try outs?"

"Yeah but I'm going to stay with Jackson since it is my fault that this happened"

"No you're going, your boyfriend is fine with me"

"But-" Jade let go of Jackson's hand, she didn't realise she was still joking onto, as Jules pushed her out of the room.

"Come on, go" She encouraged till she pushed the girl out of the room completely.

"He's not my boyfriend"


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