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Jade stood by her locker, shuffling the large amount of books stacked untidily. It was the end of school, so she had to put her books from her previous lesson into her locker.

Jade had rolled her eyes so much in one day, she wondered how they hadn't fallen out of her sockets. It was all because of Lydia, she acted too obsessive over Jackson. And that was normal, but today was different.

The lone wolf realised that every action the girl made was somehow assosiated with her. She felt as if everything the redhead did was because she was there.

Despite being an all hearing, lightning fast miraculous creature, the situation made her more biwildered than ever.

Lydia sat extra close to Jackson in lessons, laughed at everything he said and Only kissed him when Jade was watching.

At first she thought it was just a coincidence, but as Sherrif says if one's and incident, two is a coincidence, three's a pattern, and it definatly happened more than once

There was no doubt that it annoyed Jackson, the strawberry blonde went from down grading him majorly at practice to an insanley annoying, clingy girlfriend in a matter of hours.

Jade heard the sound of high heels clicking against the school floors. The sound stopped behind her and the smell of Versace women's perfume filled her nose. She turned on her heels, being met by the strawberry blonde.

"Hey Lydia." She forced a smile, closing her locker.

Jade didn't understand where she had a sudden dislike towards her best friend came from. She knew that it was because of the look she gave Jackson on the field but she had trouble grasping as to why she was still bothered by that.

"Hi, so are you coming to the party, tomorrow?" Lydia reminded the brunette.

The whole reason why the green eyed girl didn't want to go to the party was because, she wanted to go out. To look for the alpha. Even though she had no sign of finding him, she didn't want to give up.

She needed answers. Jade needed lots of answers, but she figured that she'd stick to only getting answer that involved the supernatural, seeing as the subject always sent her bad vibes amd problems.

Just as Jade was about to answer, Jackson came snaking his arms around Lydia's waist from behind her.

"Lydia" He spoke kissing her neck. not noticing the uncomfortable girl in front of the the two.

Not only was she uncomfortable, Jade also had this feeling in her stomach. She didn't know what it was. It was so unfamiliar to her. Jealousy.

"Hi Jackson" Lydia moaned turning to her boyfriend, before she could kiss him on the lips, Jackson turned towards Jade who cleared her throat, Lydia's lips landed onto him cheek.

"Hey Jade"

Jackson grinned from ear to ear seeing her, not noticing the frown that appeared on Lydia's face as the two grinned at each other for no utter reason.

"So the party. You coming or not" Lydia asked, her word dripped with annoyance and envy, as she crossed her arms.

"You should come, everyone on the team is coming after the scrimmage" Jackson encouraged.

"Well, maybenot everyone because I might not come."

"Why not?" Lydia pressured. Jade and Jackson's eyebrows knitted together, there was a confound hint of anger laced in her voice.

"Cause, I don't feel like going." She shrugged. Lydia ignored the weird look Jackson gave her.

"Tell me if you change your mind." She grumbled walking away and pulling Jackson behind her.

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