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Birds chirping. That was the first thing I heard when I woke up. My eyelids lightened and I scrunched them close when the sun hit me harshly.


That was the second thing I realised. Skin that was on me. It wasn't mine.

I blinked a few times before looking up and I nearly let out a yelp. I was millimetres away from Jackson's sleeping face.

I may or may not have spent a while observing his face. He had a few features that I'd never noticed, like the small freckles scattered around his face or his plump pink lips. All of his rested features made him look less intimidating. For some reason he always had some sort of negative expression on his face and I've never understood why, after all his life was pretty much the definition of

I looked down to see half of my body on his shirtless chest, my legs were entwined with his and his arm was wrapped securely around my waist.

Memories from a few hours ago came back to me. Jackson thought it would be a great idea to spoon me in order to keep me warm so I'd stop moving.

At the time it didn't affect that much, because I was freezing my ass off, but now I just realised that the this is 100% 50 shades of fucked.

Explaining this to Lydia would probably go within the lines of "I slept with your boyfriend, who has cheated on you more than once, but don't worry nothing happened". Which if you couldn't tell would be so believable.

Suddenly a knock on the door startled me and I pull myself out of Jackson's grip.

"Winchester, Whittemore Open up we're leaving in five minutes!" Coach yelled.

"Oh shit." I hissed, I realised how bad this was going to look. I was in his freaking T-shirt and he was shirtless.

"Jackson." I hissed shaking him hard. "Wake up." I whispered loudly.

"Huh? What?" He groaned as he began to wake up. Coach banged on the door loudly. "Hello!" Coach yelled and that seemed to get Jackson up.

"What the hell is-"

"Shut up and listen. Coach is outside right now." I whispered quickly and his eyes widened.


"I swear to God if you two don't open up I'm busting this door down!" He yelled.

"Oh fuck." He sneered scrambling out of bed, in doing so he fell on to the floor with a large thud.

"You're an idiot" I whispered, I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and chucked it on the floor as Coach continued to bang on the door.

"Only for you" he replied with a wink.

I grabbed my bag and sprinted into the bathroom, making sure he didn't see my flushed face. Why is Jackson Whittemore so fucking hot?

I ripped off Jackson's jersey and stuck my hand out the door and chucked it at him before shutting it.

Jackson unlocked the door to let coach in."What were you two doing in here?" He said.

"Uh sorry Coach, I was still asleep." Jackson stammered.

"You only had one bed!" He exclaimed, my eye widened, god why did this psycho have to be so freaking loud.

"Uh yeah but uh I slept on the floor." Jackson lied, which I was very glad that he did.

"Where's Jade?" He questioned.

"Um she's in the bathroom getting changed." Jackson said.

"Well come on then, get on the bus." Coach said. I heard Jackson sigh, knowing he wouldn't want to be involved in any sort of argument this early in the morning.

I sighed in relief hearing the door shut and I began getting ready.

I had the quickest shower ever before throwing on concealer and mascara that I gratefully decided to pack in my bag. I changed back into my clothes from the day before and threw my hair into a bun.

I emerged from the bathroom to an empty room.

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed her bag. I knew I looked like hell but frankly I didn't care. I just wanted to go home.

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