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The two walked down to the vending machine in silence.

Jade kept thinking about what had happened. She was angry, of course. More at herself than Jackson, but she didn't want him to know that.

Jackson did something that he shouldn't have done, you're not supposed to try to kiss your girlfriend's friend or anyone for that matter. It had Jade thinking about what would happen if he actually kissed her.

There was no doubt that she would've kissed him back. She was leaning in, for heavens sake. The moment she had with Jackson felt different. She never wanted to kiss someone so much and neither did he.

It hurt her knowing she felt this way towards another person's significant other, but she couldn't help it, even if that person was like a sister to her.

Once the line of students was in Jade's view, she joined the end. Only to be for her to be pulled along the line by Jackson, who followed shortly behind her fast pace. He held onto her arm lightly.

All heads turned as Jackson passed through the line with Jade. He finally let go of her arm, leaving her to follow behind like a lost puppy.

She seemed to forget that she was wearing his shirt again, however this time it didn't leave Jackson shirtless, but unfortunately that didn't stop people from staring at the two lacrosse players.

Just because of Jade, Jackson borrowed a muscle tank from Danny, so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable, like the night before. Jade didn't realize how much Jackson actually cared about her. The blue eyed boy found himself growing fond of the girl in the short time that they got to spend together.

Jade made Jackson feel like for once he didn't need to try hard to impress anyone. She made him feel calm and not so worried about anything else.

It was simple. Jade made Jackson feel happy, even though they'd hardly even spent a day together and coming from such a messed up past, there weren't many people that made him happy. Almost no one.

Jade's eyebrows rose realizing what he was doing. This what his way of 'getting through the line quicker' and no one seemed to mind. She wasn't surprised that he was going to skip to the front of the line.

For a hot second, she was worried whether the person behind her wouldn't be so pleased, only to find that it was one of Jackson's minions, so it didn't seem to faze her.

Once Jade was finished she turned away from the vending to find Jackson lean against the wall, eyes shut. Surprised that he actually waited for her, she walked over nudging him lightly, walking away so he would follow.

Jade walked faster than Jackson to the room. Unfortunately, seeing as the girls arms where filled with food, she was unable to open the door, leaving her to wait for Jackson to arrive.

He reaches over to open the door gain a small thank you from the girl, which made him feel slightly happier since it was the first time that she had actually said anything to him ever since the incident.

Jade ended up sitting on the floor eating the food that she had bought where as Jackson flopped onto the bed slowly dosing off.

Eventually, the brunette finished eating , she cleaned up the now empty packets of chips and chocolate, before walking over to her side of the bed.

Jade placed the pillows to separate the bed, causing Jackson to roll his eyes.

"I guess we're not spooning tonight"Jackson muttered under his breath.

"Touch me and I'll stab you in your sleep" Jade  warned, she seemed so calm that it made her sound like a psychopath, Jackson questioned if she was being serious or not.

"Good night" Jade held bad the laughter that begged to escape her lips, after he didn't reply, knowing that she had creeped him out.


After they said their good nights, they both were left waiting for sleep to overcome them.

Jade wondered whether Jackson would actually to Lydia about trying to kiss her or maybe she'd have to tell Lydia herself...

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