f o u r

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It had been a good two hours now and it was getting late. I assumed that at any moment Coach would enforce a curfew and make everyone go back to their rooms.

However for me, I spent the the whole time scrolling through my phone.

Almost right on cue the door opens and Jackson waltzes in.

"Have fun reading?" He asks nonchalantly.

"Yep. " I reply ending the word with a pop. "The ending was a little dull though." I sigh, scrolling through instagram on my phone.

"Wait you finished it, didn't you only like just start it?" He questioned in disbelief

"Uh yeah?" I replied quizzically giving him an odd look and he let out a scoff.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing I just didn't realise my roommate was a book nerd." He shrugged as he walked into the bathroom.

"Do you even know my name?" I questioned in annoyance.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Really then what is it?" I queried crossing my arms over my chest.

He poked his head out of the bathroom to look at her. "It's Jade" He stated and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not expecting him to know.

"And why would you assume that I didn't know it?" He asked.

"Are you serious? Are you aware of your reputation at school?" I scoffed and he raised a brow.

"Well, you're my girlfriends best friend of course I would know your name"

"You hardly pay attention to her" I retort.

There was no denying it Jackson always treated Lydia so well behind closed doors but, in public he treated her like shit. It was kind of sad that his attitude changed depending on who was around.

He rolled his eyes muttering a 'whatever' under his breath before slamming the door shut.

"Well you asked." I mumbled under my breath before turning my attention back to my phone.

Ten minutes later I heard the bathroom door open but didn't bother to look up as I stalked numerous celebrity instagram accounts.

"You know I'm not a total douche all the time right?" Jackson suddenly spoke.

"Well so far I haven't seen anything that would suggest- oh my god!" I yelped when I looked up.

Jackson was standing near the front door shirtless with only a towel hung very low on his hips. I dropped my phone on to the arm chair and covered her eyes with her hands.

"What's the matter? It's not like I'm naked." He chuckled at my reaction.

Slowly I edged my hands down, finding it to hard to resist a little peek. I gulped as I watched him walk towards the cupboard where he had put his clothes. His abs were literally glistening from his shower. Glistening. It was like he'd stepped out of a fucking photoshoot or something.

He wasn't completely dry and a few droplets that had escaped his towel were left on his tan abs. And oh my god that v-line. I was practically drooling at this point."I know you like what you see" he smirked.

"I uh need to use the bathroom" I run off to the bathroom, locking myself in. I heard the sound of his low laugh, making my cheeks even more red.

I didn't need to use the bathroom at all I just need to regain all the dignity that I had lost in such a short space of time.

Eventually As I walked out of the bathroom I tugged at my uncomfortable top trying to adjust it. It began to get even more intolerable as it began to dry.

"Why are you wearing that? You know you have to sleep in that right?" He asks looking at my top.

"I'm well aware thank you, but I forgot my extra shirt"

Jackson continued to watch me tug at the material. He sighed and stood up from the bed and began to pull his lacrosse t-shirt off. Instantly causing my eyes to widen.

"What are you doing?" I asked in alarm and he rolled his eyes.

"Relax roomie I'm not trying anything. Here." He said handing me his shirt.

"Why are you giving this to me?" I asks in confusion.

"So you can wear it. You won't be able to sleep in that top." He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Thanks but-"

"Seriously. Take it. You want to be able to sleep right?" He says. I sighed and studied the top, Of course her first instinct was to say no but the opportunity of wearing a comfortable top was to good to pass up.

"Thanks." I mumbled as i grabbed it from him. "What are you going to wear?"

"I'll just sleep shirtless, I do it all the time." He shrugs. "Sometimes even less." He smirks winking at me and I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"Yuck." I grumbles before ambling into the bathroom.

I pulled off the uncomfortable top leaving me in my bra and exercise shorts. I held the shirt in my hands, it was massive compared to me.

I slid on the jersey, sighing in relief at the soft, loose material on my skin.
It was massive on her, passing my shorts and going down to my middle thigh.

Soon enough I got out of the bathroom, Jackson was lying against the bedhead staring at his phone. He looked up, noticing my presence and sucked in a breath.The only smell radiating of off him was lust, which made me roll my eyes. It looked as if I was wearing less clothes than I actually was.

He held his gaze for longer than I anticipated, making me feel extremely self conscious."What?" I inquire. My voice came out softer than I expected, causing him to fall out of the trance he was enveloped in.

Jackson cleared his throat, before muttering"Nothing".

He dragged his eyes away and kept them focused on his phone.

"So are you going to move?" I spoke and he looked up at me with a confused look on his face. "Huh?"

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