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As the rain patted violently on the window,  that Jade had spent glaring at for a good 2 hours and a half, the bus came to a sudden stop in front of a rundown motel.

 Stiles, from beside her,  shifted uncomfortably. She knew sitting next to him was a stupid thing to do. He moved way too much for her liking.

"Alright class, the field trip has been cancelled due to an expected storm. So we're going to have to stay overnight at the nearest hotel and then go tomorrow morning." Coach announced. The class let out a collective groan and Stiles twitched frustratedly.

"I don't have pyjamas or even a tooth brush. What does he take me for some kind of animal?" He hissed at me causing me to laugh.

"I do" Jade replied earning a glare from him.

"Alright everyone shut up!" Coach yelled before blowing into his whistle letting out an ear piercing noise. It was unfortunate for the students at the front who had to endure the fountain of spit that came out of the whistle.

"The next person I hear complaining gets to spend the night on the bus!" He yells.

"Well, I wouldn't mind that." Jade mumbled looking up at the motel.

The pathway to the foyer was surrounded by trash, which moved with the heavy window. The large sign the read 'Welcome to Glen Capri' flickered a dull red colour. 

She  wasn't expecting much.

Eventually, silence crossed the students and Coach Smirks in satisfaction. "That's what I thought." He said smugly.

 "Ungrateful jerks." He mumbles under his breath, something that  only the two wolves had heard. Finstock walked of the bus, everyone followed.

Jade picked up my bag, when someone forcefully bumped into. Holding  onto the bars of the bus to stabilize herself, only to hear the laughter of the people behind her.

"Take your time"

"Thanks, after all I didn't think you'd mind anyway" She turned around, to find Jackson, who stood impatiently, mirroring the same biting expression that she had on her face.

 She huffed, swinging her bag over her shoulder walking out of the bus and rolling her eyes.

Despite, the few conversation the two held together, they had soon realised that they just couldn't stand each other. Jackson was snobby and Jade was rude.

She always said , you could smell the cockiness emitting off of him, only to realise she was the only one able relate.

Then again he practically has the best jawline and cheekbones known to man and most people think appearance is better than personality, but not to Jade.

"Alright gather round class!" Coach calls. Everyone pilled off the bus and of course, reunited with their cliques.  . Instead Jade stood shivering as the rain pelted onto her, not bothering to find anyone that she associated with.

"We managed to book the exact number of rooms to fit all of you in. But you're gonna have to buddy up, with a person of the same gender, I know what you hormonal filled brats are thinking" He begins.

Immediately everyone scrambles to find a partner, desperate to be with their friends. Allison walked Jade me with a smile on her face, of which she returned. Despite, knowing about

Suddenly Coach blew his whistle again causing everyone to pause. "If you had let me finish." He scowls.

"There is an uneven number of boys and girls so one pair is going to have to be a boy and a girl, any volunteers?" He asked.

Immediately Scott and Allison's hands flew up and a few other couples did as well. "Really Allison, what happened to bros before hoes" Jade muttered under her breath.

"Nice try, but I know what goes on in this school." Coach says. He knew they were all together and he knew what would go down.

"Teenage pregnancy will not be happening on my watch!" He exclaims causing the class to give him weird looks.

"Since none of you can be trusted, I will pick the pair." Coach said. Everyone withheld their breaths.

Jade was internally begging for it not to be her... she  just wanted a good night sleep without having to think about some random guy that was near her, not to mention her other problems.

Coach scanned the class and his eyes landed on her.

Jade was one of his favourites and everyone knew that, even though he'd never admit to favouritism. She wasn't the loudest, unlike most other students and had no problem flicking Stilinski in the head when he was talking too much in class.

"Jade" He called out.

"Shit." she whispered under my breath. Of course it was her.

"And....." Coach said as he looked around for a boy. At this point in time, jade wouldn't mind sharing a room with Scott or Stiles, just as long as she didn't  have to sleep in the same room as a jock.

He looked over to spot Jackson. "Whittemore!" He called out.

He was at the back, chewing gum and not paying any attention. Coach knew Jackson was the pretty boy of the school but he'd never seen the two talk.

Some of the girls groaned and glared at me with jealousy. Why would anyone want to share a room with an egotistical teenage boy? Oh yeah, because he is hot.

This was going to be a disaster, Danny muttered something and he turned to look at the drenched girl. He smirked and nudged him and Jackson just rolled his eyes and whispered something back.

"Fuck me." she mumbled in annoyance under her breath.

"That's what you'll be saying to Jackson tonight." Stiles said smugly obviously overhearing her.

"You know what Stilinski-" I began but Coach cut me off.

"Alright everyone else buddy up and take a key! I'll see you all in the morning! And no funny business!" Coach repeats.

"At least it wasn't Greenberg" Stiles said walking away with Scott.

"good luck" the two yelled going moving towards the doors.

 Jade sighed and walked towards Coach. Jackson moved in front of her and snatched the key before she could grab it causing her to roll her eyes.

Things literally could not get any worse.

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