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Ten chapters..I'm on a fucking roll..

Jade woke up only to find herself in the same position she was in the morning before.

She slept on her side being blinded by the sun that peaked through the small gap, separated the two curtains. An arm sluggishly wrapped around her waist caused her to jump as soon as she noticed it there.

She peeled the limb off of her body, pushing it towards the bare chested owner. Slowly he opened his eyes finding the girl glaring at him.

"Morning" he spoke racking his hand through his surprisingly already perfect hair.

"One I told you not to touch me and two, Where did your shirt go?" She questioned pointing to his bare chest.

"It got hot" he shrugged replying nonchalantly.

"Maybe it wouldn't have been so hot if you stayed on your side." She replied, getting off the bed.

"Y'know you could loose some clothing too, I wouldn't mind" Jack told the girl, who grabbed the bag full of her clothes. Fuckboys, she thought while rolling her eyes at him.

"Eat a dick, Jackass" She replied before walking into the bathroom and locking it shut, hearing the sound of his chuckling.

After having another cold shower, Jade came of the bathroom to find out that Jackson went back to sleep, probably since he was up so late. She sighed throwing her bag back on the arm chair before leaving the room to look for her friends.

On her way to the room that Stiles and Scott shared, she saw Coach Finstock a few doors away, he wailed her over to where he was.

"Hey, Winchester" he yelled,  attracting unwanted attention from the other unfortunate souls that chose to stay in the motel. She trudged her way to the man whose attention was towards the room that he stood against the door of, Jade's eyes wandered around, eventually landing on repulsive image.

"Oh my god, ew" Jade whined, seeing one of the jocks walking around their messy room butt naked. "My innocent eyes" she continued.

"C'mon Winchester, I thought you went out with him, that's probably not the first time you've seen that" Coach

"No sir that was Lydia" She corrected.

"God, that girl gets around" Finstock murmurs under his breath.

"So, you where saying" Jade asked trying to dismiss the subject.

"Oh yeah, where's Jackson?"

"He still asleep, he was up late yesterday" Jade explained.

"I hope that wasn't because of you" Coach raised an eyebrow. Jade's eyes widened and her face grew red.

"Well, um, uh" The lacrosse player stammered, not being able to form a plausible explanation to tell her Coach, that didn't contain any sort of sexual innuendo.

"Okay, I don't want to know anything else just go wake him, we're leaving in an hour." he spoke, shooing the girl away.

After entering the dull motel room, the brunette ambled to the resting boy's side calling his name, which She found herself repeating an innumerable amount of times. She shook Jackson by the shoulder, gathering no signs of waking up.

"Why does he have to be such a deep sleeper" she whined under her breath. Jade looked around the room not knowing what to do. That's when she spotted a bottle of water. the one she had left last night. The green eyed girl bit her lip and unscrewed the cap of the decently cool water. Jade tipped to bottle, letting the cool liquid to drip on his face.

Immediately Jackson lurched off  from the bed with a confused expression on his face.

"What did you do" He mumbled, to tired to even sound audible.

"Wait, I think I missed a spot" She got on her tiptoes, tipping the rest of the water on her head. In that moment Jackson woke up. He raised his eyebrows at the girl, that couldn't contain her laughter.

"You're really brave" He smirked, attempting to grab her. Unsuccessfully he missed, she had dodged him jumping onto the bed with a squeal.

Jade jumped onto every piece of furniture in the room, almost slipping realising how hot Jackson looked wet, but she met a dead end. The Winchester girl looked back at dripping boy, her giggling died down. Her eyes lingered to his glistening abs to his face.

"look, Jackson can't we just talk th-ahh" She pulled towards the boy. He enveloped her into a big hug. She groaned feeling her shirt grow wetter. "Jackson you're making me wet" She wined, trying to wriggle out of his grip.

Suddenly the door swung open. "Jade, oh my god"

The two hastily split up, seeing the shaggy tanned boy with his mouth wide open.

"Hey Scott" Jade spoke. She wanted to act like Scott didn't see the two hugging so, things would be less awkward but, Scott didn't seem to understand.

"Um did I interrupt something?" He asked, only increasing the awkwardness.

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