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Jade drove her car into a free parking space. It was the first day of school, since the field trip gone wrong and frankly all she wanted to do was crawl back to her horribly made bed and fall asleep for at least a century.

Mainly because, over the weekend she hardly got any sleep. That was because she was wondering the woods, trying to find the wolf that bit her friend.

Maybe a teenage girl wondering the forest in the middle of the night wasn't the safest thing, but that that's why she had claws, even though she knew she couldn't take him or her, she didn't mind defending herself.

Despite being a born wolf, everything she knew about being a werewolf was from books. Occasionally it would be something she remembered her mother teaching her older siblings or the veterinarian.

While searching for the big bad wolf she also managed to ignore all her friends completely. Her phone was bombarded with missed calls from Lydia, Scott and Stiles. She ignored Stiles on purpose, assuming that Scott told him about the indecent that had happened in the motel and he was just calling to tease her.

Regardless off the fact there was a werewolf running around Beacon Hills.

"Jade, what's wrong with you?" Lydia spoke from beside her, knocking the driver out of her trance. The strawberry blonde showed no sign of consideration as she pampered her locks in the small pocket me mirror she held up.

"Nothing, why?"

"You've ignored all my calls and text and now it seems as if you don't want to talk to me" The girl in the passenger seat stated.

"I've been busy" Jade answered running a hand through her hair. Even though Lydia was her closest friend, she couldn't exactly tell her what was going on. Seeing as two of the reasons included the supernatural and the other, her boyfriend.

"Is this because of Chace?" The Martin girl question.

Chace was Jade's ex boyfriend, probably one of the very few members of the lacrosse team that hasn't dated Lydia.

Their relationship was no doubt the longest either of them had been in, but of course their time together was brought to an end. Jade caught Chase cheating at one of Lydia's parties and it seems that they haven't talked since.

"I broke up with him months ago" Jade deadpanned, not wanting to bring up what had happened.

"Some break ups are harder than others" The read head explained with a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah, of course" Jade signed, nibbling her lip in frustration, before grabbing her back from the back seat.

"I just have a lot of things on my mind" She sighed, earning a sympathetic smile from the strawberry blonde beside.

Just as the two got out of the car a silver Porsche skidded into the parking slot beside the brunette. Jade grumbled, knowing exactly who it was.

Jackson got out of his car with a smirk on his face, eyeing the shook girl. After the so called 'incident, Jade hasn't talked to him at all. After the hug, Jade ran out of the room dragging Scott with her. She prayed that he didn't say anything involving the last time they were together.

"Watch the paint job, Winchester." He called out. Jade was practically squashed up between the two cars.She rolled her eyes at the boy.

At least things were still the same.

Jade walked to the boot of her car as Lydia skipped towards her boyfriend. Only gaining an unexpected scowl from the brunette.

Retrieving her lacrosse bag from her boot, Jade pushed the boot shut stepping away, to look for Lydia.

Fortunately, she wasn't so hard to find.

Unfortunately, She was pressed against the Porsche making out with Jackson. Jade couldn't help but gag.

"I guess he hasn't told her yet" She muttered as the two continued eating each others faces.

"Told who, what?" A female voice spoke from behind. Jade twirled around to find Allison with a confused look on her face. Jade's face dropped seeing the brown eyed girl.

Just the night before Jade was ambushed by hunters. One being Allison's dad, who shot her in the leg with an arrow.

That lead to her night of exploring being cut short. She had to limp back to her house with an arrow in her leg. Also, leading to a night full of excruciating pain and bloody bed sheets.

"Nothing" Jade answered growing annoyed by the second. She sighed, Luckily Allison managed to drop the subject by giving a simple nod.

Last night was the night that she realized Allison wasn't the best person for her to be around. Jade thought that it was just a coincidence a girl named Allison Argent had moved in to Beacon Hills, but sadly it wasn't.

Her family was named The Argent's, her aunt was Kate Argent, the woman that burned her family to death. Maybe Allison wasn't like her aunt but Somehow she has to distance herself from her.

"So, why are you at school so early?" She forced a smile onto her face.

"I'm coming to watch Scott play" She said with a wide smile, but Jade frowned turning away from Allison.

"How cute" Her voice was filled with distaste towards the brown eyed girl, that stood beside her bewildered.

Scott was a newly bitten werewolf and even he didn't know that. Jade was pretty sure that she was the only one that knew and the wolf that bit him. Jade was sure she didn't want anyone else to know, especially Allison's family.

"Lydia, you hungry" Jade remarked, causing the two to pull away, she stood still beside Allison, annoyed as ever at the girl who's lips was still attached to Jackson.

She crossed her arms, her lacrosse bag dangling from her shoulder.

Lydia pursed her lips, while Jackson.

"Shut up, Jade" Lydia narrowed her eyes but, Jackson watched the annoyed girl with an irritated girl. Lydia whispering into the boy's ear. Jade's face contorted, hearing what the girl said.

"Stupid enhanced hearing" She mumbled.

"Okay, time to go, I'm going to be late" She groaned pushing the girl away. As soon as they were away from the boy Lydia turned towards Allison, jade walked maybe a little too fast leaving the two girl behind.

"Does she normally act this.." Allison whispered, thinking that Jade wouldn't hear.

"Rude" Lydia cut her off. Allison nodded in agreement, before Lydia continued.

"Not really, I don't know what's wrong with her"

"She seems really pissed off at me" Allison groaned sadly.

I wrote this on a bus from Glasgow to London, it's not edited so I'm sorry if its shitty.

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