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Jade walked back onto the field, it wasn't empty like before. Other lacrosse players were running and stretching onto the field, some new some old. she didn't bother greeting anyone, she walked to an empty space on the green space and started stretching, still flustered from what had happened.

"Hey Jade, long time no see" She heard the familiar sound of her friend, Stiles behind her.

"I saw you guys yesterday" Jade spoke glancing at the two before going back to her lunges.

"Yeah, when you ditched us" The two followed the girl as she continued taking strolls further and further away from them.

"And you didn't come to work either" Scott added, in a calmer tone compared to his already hyper best friend.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot"

Jade worked at the local vet with Scott, Deaton, the veterinarian didn't pay them much, but neither of the two cared. They both loved the company of animals, so MONEY was just a bonus.

"It's alright Stiles told Deaton you were sick" Scott smiled, little did he know she couldn't get sick. Lycanthropes never get sick.

"Thanks Stiles" Stiles sent a boastful smirk, before his mood changed drastically.

"Oh my god, I found out about the body" Stiles yelled out of the blue, his friends jumped in surprise at his volume, followed by groans. Stiles was the only one that actually seemed to care about the dead body they found in the wood.

"Stiles, I'm playing the first elimination, can it wait?"

"Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!"

"Stiles, I got to go." Scott ran towards the circle of eager lacrosse players, causing a sigh to escape Stiles' lips.

Nonetheless, he continued talking.

"You're not going to believe what the animal was"

"A zebra?" His female friend guessed, not even trying to guess correctly.




"Rhi-" she guessed for the third time but was cut off by a frustrated Stiles.

"Wolf, it was a wolf."

"In Beacon Hills, you're not serious." Jade scoffed, stretching her arms, Stiles copying her actions.

"Look just meet me at my house after school, I'll explain it all."

The girl nodded, rolling her eyes when Stiles wasn't looking at her.

"Stiles, Jade stop flirting and get your asses over here" Coach yelled.

"Sorry, coach" They both muttered, faces growing exceptionally red, noticing the faction of lacrosse players around hm.

Jade jogged towards the group surrounding coach, Stiles followed behind.

Neither of them listened to what Finstock was saying, too deep in thought.

Jade was nudged in the side by a jack that stood next to her.

"Huh? Yeah? What?"

"Finally she's responsive" Coach cheered sarcastically, causing small laughs from freshmen and an eye roll.

"Where's Jackson?"

"What makes you think I know?"

"Greenberg saw you two together, before practice"

"Oh yeah he's um he's with the nurse, he's got a nose bleed."

"From making out too hard?" Stiles snickered.

"She probably just lost her temper again" Another lacrosse player taunted, causing Jade fists to ball.

"Like to see me lose it again?"

This is a filler, I was gonna post this ages ago but like I kinda got in trouble with the popo and when they were telling me off I kinda laughed, so it escalated  and all my electronics got confiscated, so yeah.

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