Chapter 1

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"Morning firecracker, morning sweetcheeks" Jacob said as he walked into her office.
Grace looked up and glared Connie who sighed, "Jacob can I have a word outside please?" she asked as she stood from her desk.
"Sure babe, everything ok?" he asked but she didn't respond.
"What's going on?" Jacob asked.
"This isn't going to work. You and me, I need to put my daughter first, I'm sorry" Connie said as she looked back in seeing Grace watching and listening.
"She really has got you wrapped around her little finger hasn't she?" Jacob said in annoyance.
"Don't talk about her like that. I'm sorry but it's over, just back off" Connie said sternly.
"Oh I can back off, I'll back off as much as you like. But do you know what happens when you bury your feelings? You get burried alive" Jacob said then he turned and walked into the staff room with many of the staff watching them.

Connie sighed and walked back into her office to be met with a hug from Grace, "thanks mum" she said.
"The taxi will be waiting for you outside to take you to school. Have a nice day" Connie said.
"Ok, bye" Grace said then she grabbed her bag and walked out.
Connie sat down at her desk and took her phone out reading a text from Jacob ~ how did we do? Does Grace believe it's over? Xxx ~
Connie smiled to herself and went to text back when the door opened, "Mrs Beauchamp, we need a nurse and a doctor with us. Rita's sending Jacob" Jez told her.
She shot up from her seat and began to tie her hair back, "I'm coming" she said.
Jez nodded and handed her a doctors suit before going back out to the ambulance.

Connie quickly put it on then walked out, meeting Jacob as he left the staff room.
They walked side by side in silence out to the ambulance where Iain and Jez were waiting.
"Well if it isn't the power couple of holby" Iain smirked at them.
"You and her? Well in mate!" Jez grinned at Jacob.
"We are NOT a couple. I have killed for less, now let's get on with this" Connie said as she stepped inside of the back of the ambulance.
Iain looked at Jacob in shock who sighed and shook his head before following Connie in before Jez closed the doors then got in the front with Iain.

Connie looked at Jacob and smirked as he placed his hand on her thigh, "thank you" she whispered.
Jacob grinned and pecked her cheek quickly, moving his hand and pulling back just in time before Jez turned around.
"So what happened between you two? Does this mean I'm in with a shot?" Jez asked.
"You're in a with a shot if you can get her kid to understand that the mums in charge, not her" Jacob said.
"Shut up Jacob. You didn't exactly help the situation did you? I was going to tell her, not have her walk in on you kissing my neck which is a pretty difficult situation to lie about" Connie said.
"Oh so this is my fault?" he asked.
"No, but like I said you didn't make it any better" she replied.
"I think I'd of had a better journey with Dylan instead of you two" Iain muttered.

They arrived at the building site after spending the rest of the journey in silence, with Connie and Jacob smiling at each other occasionally.
They grabbed their medical kits then ran inside followed by Iain in Jez to find a man with his arm trapped.
"No pedal pulse" Iain said.
"SAT's are dropping, he's unresponsive, we need to get him out of here now" Jacob said.
"Right i'm going to have to amputate, scalpel" Connie said as she held her hand out.
Jacob handed it to then she made an incision right around his arm before taking the saw from Jacob
Connie managed to amputate his arm very quickly then taped it up before he was put on a stretcher and taken out by Iain and Jez.

Jacob stood up and held his hand out for Connie which she accepted and stood up with him.
He smiled and rubbed her shoulder gently, "you did great baby" he grinned.
Connie smirked and lent into kiss him, his arms around her waist and hers linked around his neck.
Their lips brushed against each other as they heard a loud creak.
Connie let out a piercing scream and clung to Jacob as they fell through the floor.

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