Chapter 9

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Jacob had driven Connie home straight away then left quite quickly not wanting to be caught when Grace came home, although he promised he would come back when Grace was in bed.
Connie was lying on the couch when the front door burst open and Grace ran in, hugging her mum tightly.
She smiled and hugged her back then kissed her forehead, "it's lovely that you're so worried but I promise sweetheart, what happened with the paramedics will never happen again, I've just got a bit of a headache at the moment" she told her.
"Ok, can I get you anything?" Grace asked.
"You could make me and Zoe a cup of coffee if that's ok?" Connie replied.
Grace nodded then skipped off into the kitchen only to return a few minutes later, "mum we've got no milk, should I go to the shop and get some?" she asked.
"Yes please sweetheart, there's money in my purse" Connie replied.

Grace left then Zoe sat down next to Connie, "is everything ok?" she asked her.
Connie shook her head and sighed sadly, "Jacob and I, we thought we were having a baby but we went for a scan today. The test was a false positive" she explained.
"Oh Connie, I'm so sorry" Zoe said sympathetically.
"It's not like it's your fault. It happens and yeah it hurts but I've got Jacob, we'll get through it together" Connie told her, once again trying to put on a brave face but still it didn't last very long as she burst out crying again.
"It's not fair, it's really not" she sobbed.
"I know Connie, I know" Zoe told her.
"No you don't Zoe, you don't know how it feels" she cried.

"Connie, I really do know. I know exactly how it feels" Zoe said causing Connie to look up at her.
"I.. I'm sorry. It happened to you?" Connie asked.
"Yeah, it was a few years back now and I didn't handle it well at all. I lied and told my boyfriend that I was still pregnant, tried fertility treatments hoping it would work but nothing ever did and he found out" she explained.
"Zoe I'm sorry, if I'd of known" Connie started but Zoe cut her off.
"It's ok Connie, you weren't to know and it doesn't matter to me anymore. It really was for the best, trust me" she said before pulling Connie into a hug.

Grace returned a few minutes later, walking into the living room finding her mum sobbing into Zoe's shoulder.
"Mum what's wrong? You don't cry like this at just a headache. Please tell me" she said as she approached them.
"Nothing sweetheart, I promise" Connie lied.
"Please mum, I know you're lying and I'm worried about you, you don't get upset and I don't like seeing you like this" Grace told her.
Connie sighed and wiped her eyes, "come over here sweetheart" she said.
Grace put the milk down then sat on the other side of Connie.
"I was crying because today" she started but Zoe jumped in.
"An old colleague of your mum's died and at the moment your mum needs some space Grace, so do you think you could come and stay at mine tonight?" she said.

"Well I suppose so, if that's ok with mum" Grace replied.
"It is sweetheart, you go and have fun with Zoe. I'll be ok here" Connie told here
"Ok, I'll call you before I go to bed. I'll just go and grab my stuff" Grace said before wandering out of the room.
"Thank you" Connie said sincerely to Zoe.
"No need to thank you, just call him and spend some time together. You need it" Zoe replied.
"I will" she said with a small smile.
Grace came back down a few minutes later and said goodbye to Connie then left with Zoe.

Connie took her phone out and called Jacob who arrived within ten minutes.
She opened the door for him then he embraced her in a hug before kissing her softly.
"Jacob, I know I said I needed time to grieve but right now I just need you to show me how much you love me and make me forget everything that's happened" she told him.
"I know sweetcheeks, don't worry I've got some condoms with me. We aren't trying until you're ready" Jacob replied.
Connie giggled slightly and stroked his cheek, "came prepared then?" she asked.
"Of course" Jacob grinned, "now you are going to relax on that couch whilst I make dinner then we will eat cuddled up together watching films before going up to bed so I can show you how much I love you" he added.
"Sounds perfect, thank you" Connie said.

They did exactly has Jacob had said and a few hours later where upstairs in Connie's bedroom finishing their second round of love making or starting their third depending on how you looked at it.
Jacob had pulled out but laid on top of Connie pressing his hands down into the matress keeping her in place as they roamed each other's mouths.
She moved her arms up and looped them around his neck keeping him their, both of them too lost in each other to hear the faint sounds of her phone vibrating next to the bed.
Grace had called six times, she'd told Connie she would call before she went to bed plus she wanted to check she was ok but was getting no answer.

As Jacob moved his arms Connie rolled them both over and descended on his erection causing them both to moan.
He gripped her waist as she began to ride him but stopped as she caught site of her phone lighting up on the bedside table.
She rose off him then picked it up as the seventh call came through and quickly answered it, not at all giving her time to steady her breathing.
"Hey sweetheart, sorry my phone was on silence" she panted.
"Err why are you so out of breath?" Grace asked.
"My phone was downstairs, I had to run to get it" Connie lied.
"No you wouldn't, you wouldn't of ran because you wouldn't of heard it if it was on silence. You just would of noticed the calls when you picked it up" Grace said.
Connie was unsure what to say as she moved off Jacob's waist and laid down next to him.
"Mum it's him isn't it? You're in bed with Jacob aren't you?" Grace asked.

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