Chapter 2

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"Connie?" Jacob groaned as he opened his eyes.
Connie mumbled and rolled off him, looking around at the sand and debris surrounding them.
"Are you hurt?" she asked.
"No, you?" Jacob replied.
"No, I'm ok I think" Connie said as she sat up properly.
"That doesn't look good, that sands coming in too quickly" Jacob said.
"Have you got a radio?" she asked.
He nodded and pulled one out of his pocket, "Iain! It's Jacob, we trapped in the basement, the floor collapsed and sands pouring in" he said.
"We are working on getting you out, are you both ok?" Iain asked.
"Cuts and bruises, nothing serious" Jacob replied.
"Ok, we are working on getting you out. Radio through if there's any changes" he said.

Jacob put the radio back in his pocket then wrapped his arm around Connie's waist, "we'll get out babe, I promise" he said.
She nodded, "I'm going to try and stop the sand, atleast that may buy us a little more time" she said as she stood up.
"Connie no!" Jacob shouted but it was too late as a brick fell down knocking her out cold and the sand came pouring in faster.
"Baby can you hear me? Talk to me sweetcheeks" Jacob begged but he got no response.
"Iain, you need to be quick! Connie's out cold and the sands coming in faster than before" he said into the radio.
"We're trying mate, looking for a route down there" he said.

Ten minutes later the sand was past their waists, "Jacob" Connie groaned as her eyes fluttered open.
"Hey beautiful" he said as he moved a piece of her out of her face.
She looked around and started to panick, "Jacob I need the radio. I need to talk to Grace" she said.
"Connie" he asks softly.
"Please! I need to talk to my baby!" she sobbed.
Jacob nodded and handed her the radio whilst holding her close.
"This is Connie Beauchamp, patch me through to Holby ED" she said.
They waited a few minutes till they heard her voice, "mum, when are you coming home?" Grace asked, the sadness and worry in her voice clear.

Connie choked back a sob, "I don't know baby, but listen to mummy, I love you so much. I need you to remember that ok?" she said.
"Please mum! Come home" Grace sobbed.
"I'm trying Gracie" Connie cried before the signal began to go.
"Grace? Gracie?" Connie said but she got no response then dropped the radio crying into Jacob's chest.
The sand was coming in quicker, almost up to their necks and Connie couldn't control her sobs.
"We are going to die in here" she cried.
"No, no baby we aren't. We'll be ok" Jacob soothed although he wasn't sure that he meant it himself.

Minutes later Iain and Jez were pounding away at the wall furiously until sand came pouring out and then were able to get inside.
Quickly they pulled at the sand dragging it away from Connie and Jacob's face.
They both took an intake of air and began to cough as they opened their eyes.
"We've got them, they're ok" Iain said into the radio then began helping Connie up.
"Jacob" she said as she held out her hand.
"He's coming Mrs Beauchamp, he's just behind you" Iain said.
He got her out and up to the ambulance closely followed by Jacob and Jez.

"I'll check you both over" Iain said.
"No, no I'm fine. Check Jacob then get us back, I need to see my baby girl" Connie said.
"Mrs Beauchamp, you were knocked out" Iain said.
"I don't care! I want my daughter" she shouted.
"Iain just get us back" Jacob said as he wrapped his arm around Connie. She hugged him instantly and cried into his shoulder, "it's ok baby, you'll see her soon" he said.
Jez looked at Iain in confusion who had a similar look in his face but still they got into the front and drove back to the ED.

As soon as they doors opened Connie left Jacob's arms and ran inside.
She ignored Charlie's pleases for her to be checked out and went towards her office with tears streaming down her face.
"Grace" she gasped as her little girl threw herself into her arms.
They held each other tightly crying together as Connie stroked her hair.
"I love you so much" Connie said.
"I love you too" Grace replied.
Connie continued to cry and looked towards the window seeing Jacob watching them, "I love you" she sobbed.

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