Chapter 13

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Grace looked at Connie waiting for an answer, as her mother plastered a fake smile on her face.
Jacob held her waist and kissed her temple reassuringly as she spoke, but she didn't at all say what Jacob had expected.
"Oh a while yet sweetheart, it'll be some time next year" Connie told her.
"Can't you have a scan to tell you when?" Grace asked.
"It's much to early for that, there'd be to nothing see yet. Now you go on downstairs, I'll be down in a minute and we can go out ok?" she replied.
"Shopping?" Grace asked hopefully.
"Yes shopping" Connie said.
Grace smiled and walked out, finally accepting Connie's relationship, and looking forward to getting a little brother or sister whenever that may happen.

"Connie? You wanna tell me what all that was about?!" Jacob asked her.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth. It would of upset her but this is the first time she's ever been happy about us and I couldn't ruin that. It doesn't help that I can barely accept it myself" Connie replied.
"Ok, I understand that babe. But there's one little problem, you're not pregnant and she's not stupid. She's going to work it out Con" Jacob told her.
"Yes I'm aware of that thank you. I'm not pregnant, yet. But to her I'm only a couple of weeks, if I can get pregnant within the next month or so we can pull it off and she never has to know the truth" Connie said.
"Baby that's crazy! You're a doctor, I'm a nurse, we both know that realistically getting pregnant isn't the easiest thing so what if it doesn't happen? Are you then going to tell her you had a miscarriage, because that would hurt more than knowing nothing was there in the first place" Jacob said.

Connie sighed and sat down on the bed, "I know that, I do, but we just need to try and hope. Please Jacob, don't tell her" she said as her eyes filled with tears.
Jacob sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist, "course I won't tell her, I love you sweetcheeks" he said.
"I love you too" Connie replied.
He smiled and turned her head gently to press his lips to hers softly, "so I can guess what we are going to be doing tonight" he said.
"Hmm, I hope you aren't complaining staff nurse masters" Connie said.
"Of course not, couldn't ask for anything better" Jacob smirked.

They went downstairs hand in hand to Grace who was waiting for them.
"Mum I have another question" she said.
"Go on" Connie said.
"You're pregnant, so why did you use a condom last night? They are supposed to stop you getting pregnant, so why bother to use one?" Grace asked.
"Oh, well we are just so used to using them I guess we just forgot, habit I suppose" Connie replied.
"Oh ok, but please in future get rid of them properly. It's a bit disturbing to find" Grace said as she screwed her face up.
"We will firecracker, now do I need to really prepare myself for a shopping trip with the Beauchamp girls?" Jacob asked.
"Yes! Mums crazy, and I'm almost as bad!" Grace laughed.
"Please go easy on me" Jacob groaned.

"Nope, if you're marrying my mum then you need to learn! Ooo imagine if you have a girl and you have to put up with three of us" she said.
"Yeah, imagine" Connie said as she plastered a smile on her face again.
Jacob could see the hurt in her eyes and wrapped his arm around her waist, "let's get going sweetcheeks" he said.
Connie nodded and followed Grace out to the car as Jacob held onto her, "let me give you a piece of advice?" he whispered in her ear and Connie nodded, "don't let it go on for two long, it's not fair on her, or us. I know it hurts you every time she mentions it. So for all of our sakes, tell her the truth soon" he said quietly.
Connie nodded and smiled weakly before climbing into the car, she new Jacob was right and new she shouldn't of lied but she couldn't see how the truth would make anything better. She was determined to have a baby, even if it was all built on lies.

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